I think when a guy knows how many men a girl has been with, he gets a better picture of the type of person she is. It tells him how valuable she is. I know most women will not answer such a question honestly.
Dear L.,
I will ask you two simple questions. Who gives you the right to question a woman about her past life? I will ask you another. How dare you embar**** a woman by asking her how many men she has gone to bed with? Let it be known to you that gentlemen don't ask women to tell them the number of men with whom they have had sex. Only men without class will stoop so low.
It is time for men to begin to accept women as they are and not feel that as they have the right to know everything about them. You are immature and it is because you are immature why you ask such a question. If a woman should tell a man how many men she has gone to bed with, he may not be able to sleep for a long time.
I have said before, and I will repeat, that there are certain things that people have done that should never be divulged to anyone. Jesus said that when a person is forgiven, his sins are cast in the depth of the sea and they are not remembered anymore.
Be a man. Be a real man and stop questioning women about their past life.
real talk... i always know that, the past is the past. n the samething goes for the ladies aswell coz sometimes you tell a certain girl about what happened r what you use to do in the past, once an argument com up she start telling you about the things you told her you use to do in the past.....
real talk... i always know that, the past is the past. n the samething goes for the ladies aswell coz sometimes you tell a certain girl about what happened r what you use to do in the past, once an argument com up she start telling you about the things you told her you use to do in the past.....