THE Ministry of Education has condemned the vicious attacks and robberies of two principals in St Mary today and appealed for community members to help police brig the perpetrators to justice.
The principal of Tacky High School was shot and robbed today while on his way to the school. He is in hospital in stable condition. The School closed early today, after reports of the attack reached the institution. The school will reopen tomorrow.
In the other incident, a man and a woman, posing as parents who wanted to register a child, tied up and robbed the principal of Martin Primary School. Money and a cellphone were taken from the principal, who unharmed during the incident.
The police are investigating both incidents.
Education minister Andrew Holness, in condemning the incident, said it shows the lack of regard some members of society have for the education system. Holness said schools should be sacred spaces and educators should be protected not preyed on.