Ladies and gentlemen, all rise for a momentous occasion as rapper Shyne Po is here to deliver a major announcement on why his rap flow/style has changed so drastically. Hip-Hop is all ears Po because that question CONTINUES to ring alarms with every subsequent track released. Well, another case of audio f**kery at its best. Nails on a chalkboard anyone? It's like the backdrop to "Psycho" when she gets killed in the shower. In regards to what happened to the rapper that fans knew of before his incarceration in 2001, the rapper has stated that he is no longer amongst the living. That Shyne is dead. Well folks, there's the final verdict and what he presents now is what he will deliver from here on. According to Po, the man known as Jamal Barrow is someone he no longer wants to be as he made choices that he will be faced to deal with for the remainder of his life along with those close to him. Expressing his desire to move forward and stay on the right path, drastic changes such as the flow is but a minor step. But hold on, what's with the attack on 50 Cent then? What would be the real agenda behind refueling something from 6 years ago? No one can knock a person's progression and trying to be better, but let's not sound like a hypocrite now Po. Everything in the past should stay just that, no need to pull a Mase move on fans or anything because they will respond accordingly and the return might not be what you wanted or expected.