Young Money's Nicki Minaj has gotten into the spirit of this weekend's Valentine's Day celebration by offering a few tips for guys looking to impress their significant others.
"For the men on Valentine's Day? Be traditional," Nicki said in an interview. "Don't get caught up in the hype of doing something crazy. Be traditional. Teddy bears, candy, lingerie, sexy heels, thigh-high boots -- red! Don't expect a gift [guys] -- you're not getting one. You don't deserve one. You don't need one. It's all about the girls." (MTV)
"I have no dating life, I can only hope and wish and imagine and fantasize," she said in an interview. "They demand too much. In life there's always going to be one thing that takes precedence, and when you're as hungry as I am you have tunnel vision. So I can't really cater to a dude right now -- I love them and I think they're cute, but I can't do what they want me to do for them right now. I've always wanted to go to Hawaii. I really want to go there and just lay on the beach. Then, also, I could have the other rap girls feed me fruit--since they don't have anything to do right now! [Laughs.] Strawberries, grapes, watermelon, and pineapple. I so know that part is going to make the interview." (Complex)
Outside of romance, Minaj has been focused on getting out her Young Money debut album.
"The [album], that's what I'm actually getting ready to work on because I've been on the road for such a long time, I'm taking a complete hiatus for the next couple months, unfortunately, for all the promoters giving crazy offers," Minaj told DJ Whoo Kid. "And I've been turning every one because I have to put my foot down for the next few months and deliver a classic album and I already have stuff and I can't wait for the world to hear. All the stuff we talk about is fun and games and all that but the music is what's most important and I don't want all the people to be distracted by the other stuff and so I'm gonna take a break and when I come back you guys will have some very, very great music." (Radio Planet TV)
"Well Trina is also doing her thing," Nicki said in an interview. "To answer whether I feel pressure, of course I do and I'm a perfectionist and I want that to be, you know, I want this buzz to meet everybody's expectations, surpass everybody's expectations of the people that do support me. Because you got so many people that don't support you, but to the ones that do, they look at me and they see big things and I don't want to disappoint them. So to say I don't have pressure, I'd be lying, I do. I feel it all the time, I feel like yo, I have to make this a masterpiece." ("On-Air Idiot Show")