Man if you don't stop posting those lies about Masonry. I had to send you my Masonic Diploma so that you know I can speak on it. And yes we do get Diplomas and if you don't have that certificate # and that golden seal then unfortunately its a fraud. With that being said, let me address a few things that was in that video referencing all types of crazy stuff. Ok, the Knights Templar female reference. That's crazy! History will tell you that there were no female templars! And in order to be a Knights Templar, you must have become a Master Mason first and woman are not Masons and Templars had red crosses on their armor. The Black SMH there is no black cube. What he may be trying to reference is the 47th Problem of Euglid. It was invented by a great Freemason by the name of Phythagoras and it teaches us as Masons to be general lovers of the Arts and Sciences. Also, the *lo** drinking, lmao I must have missed that part when I became a Mason...Man we don't drink *lo**. The handshakes, not one of them was correct even if a person knew the "secret handshake" a true Mason will know if its true or not. That's my Masonic lecture for the Illseed community b/c this Illuminatti crap and relating it to Freemasons is just crazy. Two totally different ideals and structure.