A British woman who had been facing possible execution in Laos will escape the death sentence because she is pregnant, a spokesman for the Laotian Foreign Ministry said Tuesday.
The countrys criminal law prohibits courts from sentencing pregnant women to death, spokesman Khenthong Nuanthasing told CNN. The womans trial hasnt been scheduled yet, he said, but is likely to happen next week.
Samantha Orobator, 20, was facing death by firing squad for drug trafficking, said Clare Algar, the executive director of Reprieve, a London-based human rights group.
according to our constitution, pregnant women are exempt from death sentence and we base our constitution off of the British so how dat....o lol now dat I read it
yo dem na have money like dat but dat law crazy!!! cause just like over here in the states the low income criminal a get the worst of the drug trade!!! and thats wrong!!