"Only those who can endure, will win the race"
Empress323 wrote:(meth inside of elmo)(needle inside of a burrito)(ecstacy inside of mr. potatoe head)(cocaine wrapped in teletubbie images)(awww . . . purebred puppies with liquid heroin implanted in them)(ecstacy pill wid HarryPotter logo)(cast made of cocaine)
(meth inside of elmo)(needle inside of a burrito)(ecstacy inside of mr. potatoe head)(cocaine wrapped in teletubbie images)(awww . . . purebred puppies with liquid heroin implanted in them)(ecstacy pill wid HarryPotter logo)(cast made of cocaine)
I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.
life is one big road with a lot's of sign== only god can judge>>>
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