How to protect yourself from being a vicitim: > > 1) Leaving school late at nights? Make sure you have a safe ride home and try to leave in groups. DO NOT TAKE TAXI'S UNLESS ITS A RELIABLE TAXI COMPANY THAT TAKES INFORMATION ON WHO ITS OPERATORS PICK UP, WHEN, WHERE, TIME AND WHERE THEY ARE BEING DROPPED OFF. > > 2) Going to a party? You dont have to be drunk to enjoy yourself. Stay sober, and stay smart. All those sneaking out to go to parties, STOP!!! > > 3) Even in broad daylight people are being abducted. Walk in groups > > Men, you need to treat the ladies with respect. We have to protect them, our mothers, sisters, friends and girlfriends. You cannot deny it, its our job to protect the children and women. So stop acting like carelessly and do what you were put on this planet to do. A country with crime and violence added with abductions and rape is NOT A COUNTRY I WANT TO LIVE IN!!! > > > They are raping men, women and children left, right and centre. The news continues to spread about the constant rapes, abductions and killing of children. People this is for real, this is no joke. > > A newspaper clip featured in the X-News recently described year 2009 as the year of the occult and those involved in these devil worships require 999 (nine hundred and ninety nine) virgins before the year ¡09 comes in. > > Ladies be especially careful as the men are targeting women travelling alone. Recently there was a case where that they ran into the back of a lady¢s car. She came out to assess the damage and they grabbed her, stuffed her in their car and sped off with her. > > They are also turning to men because they need virgins and most times it turns out that the ladies that they grab are actually sexually active so they have to find a hole that hasn¢t been touched, (I beg your pardon for the course language, but I cant find a better way to express it) hence they rape the men, or they enter the women¢s behinds. > > The recent abductions and killings of children have also been linked to these satanic worshippers (occult members). > > Think about it. These men are not raping because they need sexual satisfaction. If that was the case they would have had enough already. This has been going on for quite sometime here in western Jamaica and it¢s getting more and more rampant. > > > PLEASE ADVISE AS MUCH INDIVIDUALS AS POSSIBLE ABOUT THIS WACKY, GROTESQUE PRACTICE! > > Let¢s protect ourselves and our women and children