A few years ago, deejay Kiprich sang about his love life suffering because of cellular phones. The principal of a popular school is in a similar position - only he has lost his lover because of a chat room.
After investing in his relationship both financially and emotionally, John Doerecently found out his girlfriend will be leaving him for a Danish man she met in a chat room. The couple has been together for 12 years and share a child, but he learnt that since 2005 she has been making plans to move to Denmark.
Doe, 47, operates a popular independent day and evening school. He is so hurt by the situation that he felt compelled to share his story.
"I am tormented. I am sick. I love this girl ennuh, and even now that she is doing this, I still love her. I am confused and I am nervous. I have a school to run and sometimes at night I just have to get up and walk. There's nothing I can say to her about not going. She wants a certain life and she seh I can't give it to her," Doe said.
He met his girl when she came to his institution after high school. He explained that she came from a poor background and her mother, who had four other children, struggled to send her to school.
Fell in love
He said, "She didn't pass all her subjects, so she came to my school. For some reason, we fell in love. She got five subjects at my school and she didn't even have to pay for it. Because we were in love an so, and start do wi ting, she came to school free of cost."
He said he paid for her university education and moved her and her mother into his house. He explained, "It seems like when she was in university she went into a chat room and met a guy from Denmark, who said he was looking for a soulmate." The man, he said, is 53 and in good financial standings.
He found out about her secret affair when he saw the man's number and several text messages in her phone. Though admitting what he did next was wrong, he said he hacked into her account and read several messages between them. He said, "What I read suggested that she was planning to go to him and in the emails it said he has a lot of money." He also read correspondence between his girl and her brother, who encouraged her to make use of the opportunity for a 'better life'.
Doe said his girlfriend admitted she was planning to leave and attacked him for invading her personal space. "She decide that she leaving out here and she going to be wit dat white man. She said I'm not a good man and she wants someone who can help her. Suddenly, I am no longer good enough."
Though he tried to convince her to think her decision through, warning her of the possibilities that she could be going to meet a serial killer or rapist, her decision was made.
Now Doe is full of questions; "I just want to know if it is fair for someone to look after you and take care of you and this is what happens?"
His girl is scheduled to leave later this month and he is concerned about how he will move on with his life when she does. She plans to leave their child with her mother. Efforts to speak with the girlfriend proved futile yesterday.
lol....its funny and disturbing @ the same time....im not wishin bad for her but i hope she get wat she really want!! she might meet up in a weirdo!!!! n cnt come back...how u must do that to ur SON, MOTHER and husband hmmmmm
I woulda pacc up all har clothes dem and mek she live a road from now and get one bag a gyal fi beat har raasclaat WID a keyboard...dutty stinkin nasty whoring gold diggin bitch...i cyaa STAN DEM!...fuccin disgustin dutty raas
Love is Dead...
So few of us really think, what we do is rearrange our prejudges...
Education is not necessarily Liberation from Ignorance...
You see how some woman does force men to violence? She' ol ungrateful ass got nuff chat now after all he did for her. She really out of order I woulda move she ra** and she mother out of my house a.s.a.p Let her go Denmark to she white man. She ain even nuh wa kinda man he be and I hope he ass broke and has been feeding her own bunch a lie!!!!!