CycleBeads are an easy way to use a natural family planning method. They make it simple for a woman to track her cycle and clearly identify the days she could become pregnant and the days when pregnancy is most unlikely. Cycle Beads are based on a natural family planning method that is more than 95% effective when used correctly.
Why Choose CycleBeads? CycleBeads are an innovation in family planning. They are easy to use, highly effective, inexpensive, cause no side effects, and can be used to either plan or prevent pregnancy.
Easy to Use CycleBeads make natural family planning easy. To use CycleBeads a woman simply moves a ring over a series of color-coded beads that represent her fertile and low fertility days. The color of the beads lets her know whether she is on a day when she is likely to be fertile or not.
Highly Effective CycleBeads were developed by the Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University. CycleBeads are based on the Standard Days Method, a natural family planning method, which has proven to be more than 95% effective in preventing unplanned pregnancies.
No Side Effects CycleBeads, like other natural family planning methods, cause no side effects because the user does not put anything into her body. There are no hormones or chemicals involved.
Inexpensive Cycle Technologies is dedicated to keeping the cost of CycleBeads low so that this family planning option can be used by anyone.
Use CycleBeads to Plan or Prevent Pregnancy CycleBeads can be used to achieve pregnancy or avoid pregnancy depending on the needs of the woman using them. To achieve pregnancy, a woman and her partner can easily determine which days she is most likely to become pregnant. To avoid pregnancy, a woman and her partner can choose to either use another method or not have intercourse on fertile days.
Can anyone use CycleBeads? No. The Standard Days Method, on which CycleBeads are based, works very well for women who usually have menstrual cycles between 26 and 32 days long.
Remember that CycleBeads are not appropriate if you need protection from STD's.