A CRAZED woman stabbed a pregnant mum to death then cut open her w**** to steal her baby boy.
Evil Sisouvanh Synhavong, 23, bound and gagged Araceli Gomez, then repeatedly knifed her in the chest.
She sliced Aracelis stomach open with a craft knife and put the new-born in her car.
Araceli two weeks from giving birth died from loss of *lo** but the boy survived
When cops arrived Synhavong claimed the tot was HERS.
Last night she was in custody facing a charge of aggravated first-degree murder.
Laos-born Synhavong met married mum-of-two Araceli, 27, on a bus and offered her baby clothes.
The horror happened last Friday in Kennewick, Washington state.
The tot was on life support in hospital last night. It is the third such killing in America since 2004