I have a problem that has been bothering me and I am afraid of going to the authorities. I am a member of staff at a preparatory school in St Andrew. There is a male teacher there who is a homosexual and has sexually assaulted an 11-year-old boy. The boy complained to his parents about it and they came to the school raging and this was how we found out. The problem is that this was swept under the carpet by persons in authority and he continues to teach here. There are so many vulnerable boys attending this school and as a mother of a child I am really worried for these kids. This man should not be around children.
What can be done, pastor?
O.S., Kingston, Jamaica
Dear O.S.,
What about the parents of the boy? What action have they taken? Is the boy still attending the school? Are you really sure that a teacher sexually abused a student and the teacher is still at the school?