Inverted Pentagram - Used in witchcraft and occult rituals to conjure up spirits. Satanists use it 2 points up and pagans use it one point up. It's recognised as the universal symbol of satan, also used by The Church of Satan.
Baphomet - A demonic deity and symbolic of The Devil. It is also used by the masons. It can be seen on their buildings and the emblems they put on their vehicles to identify each other. For satanists it represents that lucifer is a scapegoat and also mocks the depiction of Jesus as a lamb. Another Symbol of Baphome
Another symbol of Baphomet Aleister Crowley wore this symbol as well as the 33rd degree founder Albert Pike of the Masons The Pentagram Symbol used in Witchcraft. Represents the elements, earth, wind, fire and water with the spirit surrounding them.
Hexagram Wrongly known as The Star of David
The Hexagram is one of the most potent symbols used in the working of the powers of darkness. Used to work magic.
There is NO star of David. The star of David is based on the bible which is quite worrying as there is no star of David mentioned anywhere in the bible. But it does mention the 6 pointed star, and to stay away from those who use its symbol, as it represents satan. "While the State of Israel, in its search for Jewish authenticity, chose as its emblem the menorah... the Magen David (6-pointed star) was maintained on the national (formerly Zionist) flag." (Encyclopedia Judaica: Magen David", p. 697)
Below - Emblem of the Theosophical Society "THE INTERLACED TRIANGLES, one (lighter) pointing upwards and the other (darker) pointing downwards, symbolise the descent of spirit into matter and its emergence from the confining limits of form. At the same time they suggest the constant conflict between light and dark forces in nature and man. When, as in the emblem, the double triangle is depicted within the circle of the Serpent, the whole of manifested nature is represented, the universe bounded by the limitations of time and space. The symbol of the interlaced triangles is known in the Hebrew religion as the Seal of Solomon or the Star of David."
Freemasonry and The 6 pointed star
"If the two lateral lines of the STAR OF DAVID are removed, leaving the upward and downward pointing arrows...the result is the Freemason's square and compass." "The BLAZING STAR IS PROPERLY SIX-POINTED... the sign of the deity, and to make that more evident, in the middle of it is usually inscribed the letter 'G', for God... In Co-Masonic lodges, the usual form... is a serpent curled round with its tail in its mouth... This was the original form, but the head of the serpent was altered so as to form the letter G." (Leadbeater, p. 79)
"I have seen a painting (in which) the BLAZING STAR in the center existed, but it had 8 points instead of 6 or 5. It was called 'the star of the dawn' or 'MORNING STAR'; and represented HORUS of the resurrection, who was pictured as bearing it upon his HEAD and as having given it to his followers." (Leadbeater, p. 7)
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn The HEXAGRAM is used in occultist Aleister Crowley's "ritual of the BEAST." (Aleister Crowley: Magic Book #4) Israel Regardie reveals that the "HEXAGRAMS OF SATURN" are used in his magical initiation rites. (Regardie, p. 288)
Hexagram variations (Regardie, p. 294-95) "This diagram... from the lid of Christian Rosenkreutz' t**** depicts the Higher Self enthroned in the candidate's (initiate's) psyche." (Israel Regardie, Initiation, and Psychotherapy by Cris Monnastre and David Griffin, Gnosis Magazine, Fall 1995, p. 41) Below - [Note: 6-pointed star is located on the RIGHT HAND]
Below - The virulent anti-semite Sister Helen Blavatsky's "mystic" brooch Occultist Adolf Hitler is said to have kept her "works" on his bedside table
Please note - I love all humanity, The word racism is a word that shouldn't exist as it isn't an issue. The reason I say this is many people when confronted with these facts call the messenger anti semetic. This is not the case, The Jewish people are a beautiful and peaceful people. And they deserve to know more than any how they are being dispicably decieved! Some are arawe, many are not.
Highlighted below are Massachusetts Avenue and 19th Street radiating from the upper left circle, Rhode Island Avenue and 13th Street from the upper right circle, New York Avenue and 19th Street from the lower left square and Pennsylvania Avenue and 13th Street from the lower right square. The White House is located at the lower intersection point of the two large triangles that form the Hexagram. The All see - ing Eye commonly known as, The Eye of The Illuminati, The eye of horus, The eye of Ra.
Believed to be the eye of Lucifer and those who claim control of it have control of world finances. Used in divination. Hexes, curses, psychic control and all corruption are worked through this emblem. This one is a symbol of the Illuminati.
Have a Look at currency thread in this section for more info on The US Dollar.
Below - Udjat or all seeing eye. one of few symbols referring to Lucifer (king of hell), whom it is though will pass judgment. Below the eye is a tear because he mourns for those outside his influence.
Below - The all-seeing-eye at St. George tabernacle Logo of Time Warner/ AOL! Notice how it resembles the Udjat and is akin to the all seeing eye! Time Warner has a major monopoly on communications in the world. They control what you see and hear. They suppress the truth. Want to see a High Priestess who is wearing the symbol leading a ritual? - Watch this film Mystery Babylon as they cast spells at Bohemian Grove in Calif -Below - AOL Logo (Time Warner) All see-ing eye and pyramid. Italian Horn aka - Unicorn horn and Leprechaun staff. Introduced by the Lord Druids of Scotland and Ireland. It is associated with good luck and good fortune. It is also used to ward off "Maluka" or the "Evil Eye". It also means satan will take care of your finances. It is worn by satanists and members of the Illuminati to show their allegence and the source of their wealth. This is quite popular, i've noticed thats it's in the current Argos catalogue described as The Horn of Life
The Anch
Symbolizes fertility rites and the building up of lust within a person. A spirit of Lust is the power of this union of male /female representations. Also called the Long Life Seal.
Upside Down Cross Satanists use this to symbolize the mockery of Jesus's crucifiction. Necklaces are worn by many satanist's. It also appears on a few Rock album covers.
Cross of Nero - Or Peace sign.
Now this one may be a bit controversial with many. Indeed, it was to me when I first found out. I wore a CND badge for a few years to symbolise my distaste at nuclear arms. But it's a negative occult symbol. Another sign used by satanists to mock the cross of Jesus. Also know as "The Dead Man Rune". It appears on the t****stones of some of Hitler's SS troops.
Yin Yang
Represents Opposites In Chinese philosophy, two great opposite principles or forces on whose interplay everything depends. Yang is light - white (positive) Yin is dark - black (negative) Yang represents male, Yin represents female.
Scarab Beetle The dung (scarab) beetle is the Egyptian symbol of reincarnation. It is also a symbol of of Beelzebub, Lord of the flies (satan). Worn by occultists to show that they have power and is a source of protection. Also known as The Sun God of Egypt
Satanic "S" or "Z"
Represents a lightning bolt that means "Destroyer". In mythology, It was the weapon of Zeus. Worn to have power over others. Also was worn by the feared SS of Nazi Germany.
This symbol was also written on the following note of Ronald Regan In 1988, President Ronald Reagan addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations. The speech has become known as his famous Disarmament speech.
In this address, he postulated upon his "fantasy" of an alien threat, from outside this world, invading Earth. Reagan thought that this would unite all humanity and tear down national borders. He also said that an alien force is already amongst us.
If this were not remarkable itself, look at this.
Before he gave the address, his speech writer, Rhett Dawson, removed his comments from Mr. Reagan's draft. Reagan insisted that he replace it.
The symbol was also widely circulated and made popular by the rock band Kiss.
Above - The Pope with The Upside down Satanic cross. This is not an accident! This photograph is unedited, and the pope of course, was well aware of what the symbol means, and this is certainly not the only time he has publicly used this.
There are other occult symbols of The cross, although the satanic upside down one is probably the most used and well known.
Satanic Cross
The Christian Cross with an upside down question mark attached to the bottom. The question mark is to state to observers that they should question Jesus and the the Deity of God. Within the occult it is the representation of the three crown princes; Satan, Belial and leviathan. Symbolizes complete power under Lucifer. This, as many other occult symbols, can be seen on many rock albums.
Tau Cross, or 'T cross' Symbol of the god Mathras of the Persians and the Aryans of India. To them, Mathras was an "angel of light" or the "heavenly light". It is used in modern Masonry under the symbol of the T square
I think being aware and understanding what these symbols represent makes us less vulnerable, and gives you a little insight into the world around you.
Many people have said to me (and it's true of myself) how they have always wondered about Latin, or the strange symbols you see on anything of importance, paricularly dragons and serpents on things such as government buildings, the royal family, county shields, statues etc.
It's important to remember that a symbol is just that, A SYMBOL, as it is with county shields etc. A lot of time is put into these, and the whole point is that it is a symbol that represents them.
This applies to many business and government logo's.
The Star and Cresent Moon
The moon represents the moon goddess Dianna and the the star satan/lucifer "son of the morning", the name of Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12. Witchcraft uses it with the star on the left (left pic) and Satanism turns it in the opposite direction (right pic). Satanists see God mockingly placed as the moon (the goddess of love, Dianna), Satan assumes the role of the star, which is always in a position overlooking the moon
Anarchy, or Circle - A This is the symbol of the move to freedom from accountability and authority, from any and all consequences. It represents desire for abolition of ALL law and rules. Many people wear the symbol as a rebellion to the government, teens who are goths as a rebellion to authority. This is another one that appears on a few rock albums.
Note the picture in the middle is the Anarchy or Circle-A symbol. Note the resemblance of the Circle-A to the Greek alphabet letters alpha and omega shown in the lower left corner of the picture. The alpha is the first letter and the omega is the last. The Greek alpha has the same in basic design as the capital "A" in the English alphabet. The Greek omega is very similar to the English capital "O" with "feet" and open at the bottom. Satanist reference this bible passage Revelation 1:8 "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty" and use the bar accross the Alpha and Omega in the same way a bar is used on a NO smoking sign.
Signs of The Zodiac
I'll limit the Zodiac description to an image of each of the 12 birth signs of the zodiac and title.
ARIES MARCH 21 - APRIL 20 (The Ram) TAURUS APRIL 21 - MAY 21 (The Bull) GEMINI MAY 22 - JUNE 21 (The Twins) CANCER JUNE 22 - JULY 23 (The Crab) LEO JULY 24 - AUG 23 (The Lion) VIRGOAUG 24 - SEPT 23 (The Virgin) LIBRA SEPT 24 - OCT 23 (The Scales) SCORPIO OCT 24 - NOV 22 (The Scorpion) SAGITTARIUS NOV 23 - DEC 22 (The Archer) CAPRICORN DEC 23 - JAN 20 (The Goat) AQUARIUS JAN 21 - FEB 19 (The Water Bearer)
PISCES FEB 19 - MAR 20 (The Fish)
The Swastika
Above - Left and Middle, the Swastika as Hitler and others used it, and right, the original angles.
Swastika or Sun Wheel An ancient religious symbol used long before Hitler came to power. It was used in Buddhist inscriptions, Celtic monuments and Greek coins. In sun god worship, it is supposed to represent the sun's course in the heavens.
The "Swastika" or "Broken cross" originally represented the four winds, four seasons, and four compass points. It's arms were at 90 degree angles turned the opposite way, as depicted above right, and turned clockwise, showing harmony with nature. The "Swastika" shows the elements or forces turning against nature and out of harmony. Also this well recognized sign was a part of the Hitler regime, the Nazi's. The Ku Klux Klan wears this symbol for pure hatred against any other race, except the white race. "Skin heads" that bear this mark, symbolise the belief in the Nazi's, and the whole Hitler agenda and that the white race is the only true race.
Below - A design of interlocking swastikas is one of several tessellations on the floor of the cathedral of Amiens, France.
The word swastika comes from the Sanskrit svastika - su meaning good, asti meaning to be, and ka a suffix. While it is natural to think the Swastika originates from deep within some Nazi advertising agency, concocted to strike fear and terror throughout the world, it is in fact thousands of years old, previously a talisman of power, good luck, and strength.
Below - A Hindu swastika
Below - Nazi occupation of France
The Horned Hand, or Cornuto
The Horned Hand or "Cornuto" represents the Devil, Satan, The Goat (the baphomet). It is a sign of recognition between those that are in the occult. It is also used by heavy metal and rock fans at concerts to affirm their allegiance to the music's message and the band members.
This gesture is the satanic salute, a sign of recognition between and allegiance of members of satanism or other occult groups. It is also called the Il Cornuto. In other "circles," whether displayed as a hand gesture or worn as an amulet, it is supposed to ward off evil (the evil eye) as are the hamsa hand (three finger - two thumbed hand), the eye-in-hand (eye in the palm), and the mano fico ('mano' meaning hand and 'fico' meaning woman's genitals).
Other Common Variations Above - Horned God Represents the horned god of witchcraft. Pan or Cernunnos. Note the thumb under the fingers and given by the right hand. Horned Hand - The sign of recognition between those in the Occult. When pointed at someone it is meant to place a curse. Note the thumb over the fingers and given by the left hand. Witch Sign or Moon Sign Used to salute the rising moon. Also used by surfers and football teams. This is the sign that the furor should be using to indicate the "Hook Um" horns, Not the 2 above
Above - Baphomet (I think you'll recognise most of the following individuals)
could be cud be not... i mean some ppl use the sign and dont know the meaning of it.... i use to do that sign when i was younger just because mi si the ppl pon tv do it........
Interesting post but alot of these things people dont know the true meaning behind it...they just do it because it looks cool or they see people on TV doing it...
And as far as logos...its just what the Graphic Designer they hired thought would look marketable or whatever...some of them may have a deeper meaning behind why they use it though...
Interesting though...
Love is Dead...
So few of us really think, what we do is rearrange our prejudges...
Education is not necessarily Liberation from Ignorance...