mek mi tell yu sumting mi wouldn`t mind all the fish dem go back wey dem come from go back in a di sea man the whole a dem can jus go a the waterfront and jump off.
y dem a call it homophobia.....phobia is a fear of something, but mi kno mi nuh afraid ah none a dem...dem should burn wit sulfuric acid, lime, & flame
well well well look at u all say'n burn this and burn that ,,i can bet most of u all live in a country where its legal to be gay,so to speak if u c a gay couple making out in public u jus have to walk past an gwaan like say u nuh evn see them as gay people have more right than str8 people caz if ur from another country an u harm them u going prison serve ur time an get deported Let me say this bruce will soon have to sign the gay papers or jamaica is going to run dry like zimbabwe with no food no imports nor exports u all see how jamaica is going down the drain,crime rate high like people green armpit people can hardly afford food for christ sake,so err1 sayn burn this burn that but not thinking of wats going to happen after bruce has defended his country in a certain way blocking out a cetain lifestyle which he an the jamaican people dnt approve of.AS I SED MOST OF YALL LIVE ABROAD AND ARE AWARE OF WAT IS TAKING PLACE IN JAMAICA BUT STILL SAY'N BURN THIS AND BURN THAT JUST BECAUSE IT WILL NOT BE AFFECTING U.MOST OF YALL LIVE IN AMERICA 1 OF THE GAYEST PLACES ON EARTH FATHER GOD WEN U AH CUM FI YU WORLD MEK DEH SUH SINK FUSS DEM TOO NASTY OVA DEH personally im not in favour of gay people but let me tell u this gay ppl run di world their in ur work places around ur neighbourhood an so fourth get real ppl we need a better jamaica but this is going to make it bad 4 us.