|AndreDesignZ| G R A P H I C D E S I G N P H O T O G R A P H Y bio
Andre Young a.k.a Andre DesignZ. Born in Montego Bay Jamacia where I started Photography and Graphic Designing in the year 2007, specializing in Graphic Designing, PhotoGraphy and Photo Retouching. Photo-Retouching is an art and by definition that means: To improve or change (a photographic negative or print), by adding details or removing flaws. Also to color recent growth of hair to match hair that was tinted, dyed, or bleached at an earlier date. There are some poor retouching done by others, with AndreDesignzStudio, you have access the best retouching in the business and if you think retouching isn't for you, picture this, think of your favorite celebrity, now, consider that any photo you've ever seen of them on a magazine, movie poster, or billboard has been retouched. If you're in the same business you would want that same edge, wouldn't you? Photography & Graphics is Andre's passion and we know it's yours. Together we can build the most comprehensive source of online photographic information. Now relax, we don't do cheesy, blurred-skin, cyborg-quality retouching either. Yeah, we'll smooth your skin and get rid of blemishes, but we can also brighten your eyes, fix your hair, give you a tan, and even trim you down a bit, if you're into that sort of thing. I also do graphic designs for hi5 pages and coming soon I will be doing websites. Just about anything to do with graphics Im up and ready for the job. Thanks for reading you can leave your commemts on my comment page on my website and for information on anything else contact me by email