I NEVER fail, i'm just SUCCESSFUL in finding out what doesn't work Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.
Unlimited debate. Each has the opinion. Some follow artists' words ( lyrics ) , the others follow reality around them. Others follow the fashion. In France Battyz has the autorisation to exist, if we begin to kill them in the street it is going to remind us certain Mr Hitler who killed 5 100 000 Jews homosexual black ppl gypsy... 60 years ago. So me have no opinion, I shall not choose if they have to live or not .
Unlimited debate. Each has the opinion. Some follow artists' words ( lyrics ) , the others follow reality around them. Others follow the fashion. In France Battyz has the autorisation to exist, if we begin to kill them in the street it is going to remind us certain Mr Hitler who killed 5 100 000 Jews homosexual black ppl gypsy... 60 years ago. So me have no opinion, I shall not choose if they have to live or not .
A fool post dat.
Please. don't get mi pissed off bout you ah compare di battybman dem to di struggles of black people or jews.
Can you control wether or not you are Black?
Can you control wether or not you are Jewish?
Can you control wether or not you push your hood where people release dem feces?
So these people need to be executed not because of who they were born as but because of their corrupt, filthy actions.
f**kery ! nah agree, unno nah God to choose if they have to live or not. unnuh nah give him a second chance ? Yur mentality comes from the Middle Ages, not from a civilized sociaty zeen me nah diss yuh . me no like batty too , but me can't say that i want there death !