ok i will tell unnuh one of mine.... i had sex in a movin vehicle, my man was in di drivin seat i was on top of him .... he was controllin di pedals and i was steering.... that shit was real good even tho we mount di kerb several times
I done it in broad daylight bent over the trunk of a car next to an elementary school and almost got arrested for indecent exposure and lewd conduct =\
Love is Dead...
So few of us really think, what we do is rearrange our prejudges...
Education is not necessarily Liberation from Ignorance...
I NEVER fail, i'm just SUCCESSFUL in finding out what doesn't work Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.
Once on a diving board at my apartment complex swimming pool at 3 a.m. The pool was lit up below us, and the air was filled with the scent of flowering trees...quite intoxicating!"