how me a fool come in now? a chu dem kick yu outta VIP yu a tek out yu anger pon me, yu a ediat yu nuh see sey mediazone nuh rate yu ...guwey an stop call up mi name
****************Bavarian WiseWords***************** Lesson1 Put Jesus Christ first!!
Lesson2 Success comes not from just what you know but who you know.
how me a fool come in now? a chu dem kick yu outta VIP yu a tek out yu anger pon me, yu a ediat yu nuh see sey mediazone nuh rate yu ...guwey an stop call up mi name
how me a fool come in now? a chu dem kick yu outta VIP yu a tek out yu anger pon me, yu a ediat yu nuh see sey mediazone nuh rate yu ...guwey an stop call up mi name
My Yute Cool Nuh Mann.. Fool Meanin That You A tRip You funny..You wild....Second I don't care for vip that much cause i don't post that much....Cause I be too busy....
DK SECONDS want head all day all nite....round d clockkkkkkk
I NEVER fail, i'm just SUCCESSFUL in finding out what doesn't work Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.