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-- Edited by elephantmen on Wednesday 23rd of March 2016 10:19:23 AM
Keyshia Dior is a model, actress, stylist, & entrepreneur extraordinaire. The Miami native, with Jamaican roots, is best known for her starring role as Lisa, the jealous ex-wife in Timbalands mini-movie/ video, Say Something featuring the international music superstar, Drake.
seemore :http://www.keyshiadior.com/bio/
Stunning and alluring as the Jamaican land from which she came. Kadie-Ann Johnson is mesmerizing , lovely , intriguing, and very much needed in the entertainment world. A force of beauty wrapped in a small package. The petite princess of the modeling industry brings a refreshing splash of delightful sweetness into the field.
WHILE it's generally known that women obsess over things like body image during sex, little do many people know that many men are also worried about some of the same things women worry about. He'll wonder if his woman is focused on his physical flaws rather than performance, and, according to one All Woman reader, whether things like his 'rum belly', skinny chest, and the pig-like grunts turn her off.
Last week we polled a few men; this week we asked women to say what's really going through their minds during lovemaking.
So men, is she comparing you to her last boyfriend; wondering how she got herself into this mess; or planning a cookie recipe while she's with you?
This is what the women said.
What she thinks about your 'flaws'
"It depends on what that flaw is. If it's a big gut then I already knew he had one prior; if he is really skinny, that is quite fine, since I don't go for big bodied men anyway. The only thing that would turn me off is if I realise he has a 12 inch or 'bosun'! I would run like tief!
Roly-poly hairs on the chest and long armpit hairs that stick together -- I couldn't even start having sex! Body odour including bad breath would just distract me and turn me off. He has to also trim his pubic hair, not shave, but trim.
That is why you must do it in the dark, you don't see any flaws!
I'll look past the flaws I have to because most men are so oddly built. They'll either have chicken legs or knock knees; a strange gut or no butt. I just think about his personality, because if I start thinking about how weird he looks, I'll crack up laughing.
I'll compare him to my ex and wonder how come he's been hiding all that. I can't get over how blessed my boyfriend is, and I see no flaws. I just see a miracle that I'm the beneficiary of.
What she does when you're taking too long
I think about my favourite soap opera and what I think will happen next!
I tell him I'm tired and he'll stop.
My mind goes to all kinds of places what will I make for breakfast the next morning; did I clean the bathroom sink...
I tell him straight before that I'm not into the all night thing. If I arrive and he's still in the departure lounge, I just tell him to stop and take another flight the next morning or something.
What she wants to hear from you, and what she doesn't
I love to hear a man call me by my name! Men are not the only ones who like that! I like to hear him grunt like a pig and I love when he calls out for Jesus.
I like to hear the regular things: 'Baby yuh hot!', 'Mi want yuh!', 'Yuh ah di best mi ever get!'. But I wouldn't want to hear him call me another girl's name. I would just get up and seh 'come out!'
I love it when he instructs me! Sometimes it turns me on when he talks dirty, like when he asks, 'A who a yuh man?' etc. But it depends on the mood I am in because there are times when I just don't want to hear all that.
I like to hear him tell me how good I am, and if I am on top then I like when he tells me to do it again.
I like when he says, 'That feels good', or when he can't help groaning, even though we know people may be listening. Any kind of audio from him is good.
I like when he just demands what he wants, it's much better if he's normally a reserved kinda guy. When he turns into a thug like Weezy and orders me around, I just act like a puppy and follow his orders.
Can she tell if you are faking or enjoying it?
Men are not good at pretending so yes I can tell when he is enjoying it. I never had a man who didn't enjoy doing it because whether they are in the mood or not, as long as you get them in the mood they will bawl like babies.
Of course you can tell. If you know what he sounds like normally, then you would know when he is faking.
Yes I can tell when he is enjoying or faking it by the look on his face. When he is enjoying it, there is this certain look; his facial expression tells it all. There is just this look that you know.
I can tell because I know his body more than he thinks. He can lie all he wants, but if he doesn't peak, I know. And I know when he's enjoying it too it's when your usual reserved or badass guy turns into a whimpering baby when you touch him.
It's easy to tell when a man's faking it. Apart from the lack of physical signs, his body language is just different. And when he's enjoying it, that's easy to tell too. It's like watching a transformation, he can't help but be vocal about it.
What she thinks about your moves
I like when he pays attention to the way my body reacts, rather than go by some template of what he thinks I'll want, or what women want. I don't like certain things, so if I tell you I don't like you sticking your tongue in my ear, I expect you to listen!
The worst thing he can do is listen to too much dancehall or rap, and follow the instructions. No, I don't want a one-hour session. No I really don't want to be your pony or your jeep. No I don't want to do it in the rain, nor on the kitchen counter. And if you insist, I will hurt you.
If you don't want her to laugh, or be pissed, make sure you talk to her about what she likes and what she doesn't like before you bust out your moves. Don't attempt to spank me, because I have a black belt in Karate and I may retaliate and beat you up in self-defence.
Under no circumstances should you kiss me or try to kiss me after you've gone down south. No I don't want to know what I taste like. Yes, if you insist, I will kick you out of my house and tell all your friends.
Q: How are men and parking spots alike?
A: The good ones are always taken. Free ones are mostly handicapped or extremely small.
Q: What do you call an intelligent man in America?
A: A tourist.
Q: What do you call a man with 99% of his brain missing?
A: Castrated.
Q: What is the difference between a husband and a boy friend?
A: Forty-five minutes.
Q: What do men and pantyhose have in common?
A: They either cling, run, or don't fit right in the crotch!
Q: Why do men find it difficult to make eye contact?
A: Breasts don't have eyes
Q: How was Colonel Sanders a typical male?
A: All he cared about were legs, breasts, and thighs.
Q: What do you get when you cross a rooster and a male insomniac?
A: A c*#k that stays up all night.
Q: What do you have when you have two little balls in your hand?
A: A man's undivided attention.
Q: How can you tell if a man is aroused?
A: He's breathing.
Q: What is the one thing that all men at single bars have in common?
A: They are all married.
Q: What is a man's view of safe sex?
A: A padded headboard.
Q: Why are husbands like lawn mowers?
A: They're hard to get started and don't work half the time.
Q: How does a man show he's planning for the Future?
A: He buys two cases of beer instead of one.
Q: What is the difference between a man and E.T.?
A: E.T. phoned home.
Q: Why do men want to marry virgins?
A: They can't stand criticism.
Q: What do ceramic tile and men have in common?
A: If you lay them right the first time, you can walk on them for life!
Q: Why does a penis have a hole in the end?
A: So men can be open minded.
Q: When do you care for a man's company?
A: When he owns it.
Q: Why do men whistle when they're sitting on the toilet?
A: Because it helps them remember which end they need to wipe.
Q: How is a man like a used car?
A: Both are easy to get, cheap and unreliable.
Q: What's a man's ultimate embarrassment?
A: Running into a wall with an erection and breaking his nose
Q: What is a man's idea of foreplay?
A: A half hour of begging.
Q: What do you call an intelligent, good looking, sensitive man?
A: A rumor.
Q: Why are men like laxatives?
A: They irritate the sh%t out of you
Our breath when resting is a very peaceful and tranquil movement of air in and out of our lungs. It has the delightful title of "inspiration" for breathing in, and "expiration" for breathing out. When a woman is turned on, however, this breath comes in urgent puffs and probably has some involuntary moans escape with it as the air is forced quickly past her vocal cords. The increase in heart rate when her body prepares for orgasm means her internal organs and muscles are demanding more oxygen. If you can hear her breath change, youre on the right track. If you can feel her heart thumping, youre well on your way. This is her sexual body language giving you signals that she's aroused. However, if she's breathing normally after having her "big orgasm," perhaps shes a big faker.
If your girl is curling her toes and writhing against you, chances are she's probably enjoying herself. Grinding and pushing against you means that she's really getting into it. If she's lying there limp, then things probably arent happening for her. Try changing positions, or stop entering her and warm her up from the beginning with your mouth or hands and see how her sexual body language progresses from there.
When she meets your thrusts, youre doing something right. It's pretty safe to say that if she's matching your body movements and is in time with you, then she's getting something out of it. Good sex is often very synchronized, as that is how our bodies are designed to produce orgasm; repeated movements in the right spot build to a climaxing. The trouble is finding the right spot, of which there are many. If she isnt meeting your thrusts then her sexual body language is telling you that she wants something else, so change positions and see how she responds.
If she's holding herself close she may not be feeling wild abandon -- her arms may be around you, her hands may be on your chest, above your head, wherever, except they're being held in close to her own body. If she's on top she may need her arms to maneuver herself and give herself some leverage to get the best angle. This is certainly not a definitive gesture, but can be useful. Her body should be responding to the situation at hand. She shouldn't be worried about covering herself up or where her arms are. If her arms are stretched wide, either held out to the side or splayed out on the bed sheets, you can bet her sexual body language is telling you you're right where you need to be and she's comfortable (and enjoying the ride).
You have one of your most sensitive parts inside one of her most sensitive parts -- with each movement inside of her you can feel the walls of her vagina, the muscles and flesh. The vaginal wall is an incredibly strong muscle and she will probably use this to some extent for her own pleasure during sex. You may also feel the contracting and relaxing during orgasm -- her vagina spasms and this will clench you to some degree -- but not always, so dont use that as a benchmark. Some women do have great control, and those who do are likely to have better sex and orgasms in general. If you dont feel any clenching, dont panic. You may know already by the feel of her vagina when she's not far away from orgasm -- she may let you enter further, or the overall sensation may be "just right" for you both. Only you can tell, so pay careful attention to her sexual body language and whats going on inside of her.
Would you tell the police??
Not sure if this has been posted but I am curious to know how the Zone Ladies respond..
URINARY Tract Infections (UTIs) and yeast infections are two of the most common infections in women. Nearly every woman will have a problem with one or both at some point in her life, and many will have recurring infections.
Infections in the urinary tract are caused when bacteria from the rectum go into the urethra and into the bladder. Bacteria transfer takes place during sex, fondling and defecation and wiping. In women, the short urethra (a tube that connects the urinary bladder to the genitals) makes entry of bacteria into the bladder easier.
Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of candida, and are exacerbated by warm, moist conditions. Things like birth control pills, improper drying of underwear, use of scented soaps and the wearing of non-cotton underwear can help yeast to thrive. Many women get recurring infections, and more and more, they seek out at-home treatments to minimise the discomfort and to avoid repeatedly visiting the doctor.
At-home treatments that work, even temporarily include:
For UTIs
Gynaecologist at the University Hospital of the West Indies, Professor Horace Fletcher said women who hold their urine are at greater risk of getting UTIs because the bacteria get a chance to grow and increase. The bacteria can even go into the kidneys through the urethra.
Dr Fletcher said one of the best ways to prevent a UTI is to empty the bladder regularly. This flushes out the bacteria. It also helps if the woman drinks a lot of fluids.
Women should empty their bladders before and directly after sex.
They should not hold their urine for an inordinately long period.
They should wipe themselves from front to back after passing stool never back to front, as this will transfer faeces from the anus into the vagina.
Drink adequate amounts of fluid to flush out bacteria. Cranberry juice is believed to reduce infections. However, most clear fluids like coconut water, spring water and apple juice will flush out the bladder. Some scientists, however, believe that cranberry juice (or dried cranberry or cranberry sauce) also prevents the bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall.
For yeast infections
While there are ways in which you can tackle the problem of yeast infections at home, you have to first ensure that what you have is actually a yeast infection. You can usually tell this if you have had one, or several, before. If youre unsure, its best to visit your doctor. Some symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection are:
An unusual thick, odourless, whitish vaginal discharge.
Burning on the vulva during sexual intercourse.
Uncontrollable itching and a burning sensation in the vagina and the skin surrounding the vagina (vulva).
Unexplained swelling and redness of the vulva.
Burning sensation during urination.
Home remedies for yeast infections
Some of these remedies have been tested and tried by women for ages. If symptoms persist, its best to visit your doctor.
Yoghurt is said to be very effective in treating and preventing yeast infections when added to your diet and when added directly to the vagina. An easy way is to simply dip a clean tampon into yogurt and insert it into the vagina overnight. Ensure that the yoghurt used is plain with no flavourings, sugars or fruit, and that it also contains live cultures.
Garlic is said to have antibacterial and antifungal properties. Just like yoghurt, garlic may be used both as a dietary supplement and also directly applied to the vagina. Yoghurt and garlic are the two leading choices among yeast infection home remedies. Women who have used it advise that you either eat a clove of fresh garlic once or twice per day at the onset of yeast infection or apply garlic directly to the vagina. A fresh garlic clove can be wrapped in gauze and inserted into the vagina overnight for treatment, until the symptoms ease.
SPICE'S Jim Screechy single tells of something most men fear -- their women cheating while they're away. Women are good at hiding infidelity, and unlike men, with whom the signs are often obvious, a woman can cheat and the man will never know, unless she, or the other man, blabs.
But there are ways to tell that she's been Jim Screechy-ing on you. Gentlemen, these signs may be nothing but a change of behaviour and may mean nothing but if your intuition says she is cheating and she displays three or more of the following signs, chances are you are correct.
1. She buys a new wardrobe: When she starts to dress differently, or suddenly shows an interest in her appearance 15 years after vowing to you that she wouldn't play slave to fashion, this may be a sign that she's making herself look good for another man. Of course, women like new clothes, so don't get paranoid if she continues her normal shopping patterns. However, if she starts buying a bunch of new lingerie, some that you have never been privileged to see her wear, yet they are in the laundry basket weekly, there could be a problem.
2. A change in sexual behaviour: If she becomes distant in the bedroom, is no longer the tigress in bed, and instead, she is like a crab on its back ready to attack you for making sexual advances, chances are she is being sexually satisfied elsewhere. On the other hand, if your dull and boring spouse suddenly becomes a tigress in bed and is only too happy to do new and exciting sexual positions that you never taught her, it may be that she is learning elsewhere.
3. She's overprotective of her cell phone and phone calls: If her once accessible cell phone suddenly has a password and you can't go within a mile of it, chances are she has something to hide. In addition, it suddenly stops ringing and is placed on vibrate or silent, and if by chance she is 'forced' to answer within your presence, it is always a prank call or wrong number. In order to protect her cheating ways she may go as far as to sleep with the phone right under her pillow or in her hand.
4. Limited communication: By nature women love to talk, whether it is about that b!$%hy co-worker or boss, or just simply sharing details of their lives with you. So when she turns the focus completely on you and begins telling you less about herself, she possibly has something to hide, as it will be difficult to share details about her day without lying.
5. Suddenly there's a 'guy friend': Has your spouse been talking incessantly about her male friend at work or school? If you're in a healthy relationship, it probably doesn't mean anything. But if the two of you haven't been communicating well lately, this other man is probably filling a need for her. And if she suddenly stops blabbing about him, this may suggest a guilty conscience, or a fear that you may guess what's going on.
6. Mood swings: The cheating woman will for no reason start picking fights with you, as she needs justification for her cheating. She may also be suddenly more affectionate to the point where it seems artificial. This is sometimes a way for her to deal with her guilt.
7. Stays away from home more often: If your woman suddenly starts staying out later and comes up with the 'working late' excuse, or that she was just hanging out with the girls at 2:00 in the morning at least three times per week, it is a possible sign that she is spending those hours with a new love. Business trips and sudden change of plans may be signs of infidelity too.
Read More: http://thehypelifemag.com/2011/05/22/6-tips-on-how-to-grow-bigger-boobs/#ixzz1NmPCmXbu
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Ready is about to drop in August right?
Well, we pushed it back to September, because since Drake isn't putting "Successful" on his album, I'm going to go back to it and change it up a bit to have it on mine.
What is this I hear about a Trey Songz and Fabolous tour?
The Fabolous and Trey Songz tour is just me and Fab talking. We're going to see what happens. We actually developed a good working relationship for the past year and a half. From the In Ya Phone record to the Last Time record that he just did for his album. So we probably going to do something together for my album. I just sent him something, so I think that will be a good look. And weve been hanging out too. I came to his party at the Velvet room and he came to a couple of parties of mine. The ladies would like it.
Let's jump right in it. You are a proud supporter of porn?
Yeah. I think porn is cool.
Any recommendations?
Any recommendations on porn? Go to 4228, xxx.videos.com and freeporn.com. I dont visit them frequently, but that's three different sites. How could you go wrong?
You prefer free over paying?
Not necessarily. Sometimes I pay for it in the room. Because when I was younger I used to sneak and buy DVDs.
What's your favorite type?
I think that porn is a way to broaden your horizons as far as sex is concerned. I remember when I first started watching porn my favorite porn star was Lacey Duvalle, Lindy Foxx, and I like the free will of porn all in itself.
But some things look better than they feel.
Yea there are some things that happen in porn that some girls can never do in real life (laughs), you know what I mean, unless they are porn stars. I think thats the cool part about it. Its like damn, thats crazy.
You found that out the hard way, huh.
Nah (laughs).
Do you prefer it when you are alone or when you are with your girl?
Do you get some in every city you visit?
No, not every city.
What city has the best girls?
Well Ive been doing this for four or five years now so for the most part when I come to a city I already know someone there.
You have someone in every city?
Well that doesnt mean I get some in every city. It means for the most part anywhere I go I know a woman that I have some sort of a friendship with. I wouldnt necessarily say that Im fond of groupies for the most part.
Whats your favorite city to visit?
It would be New York and Miami. Every time I go to New York, its crazy how people are in the street all night. The city never sleeps. Even though New York aint really what it used to be as far as musically. Its still one of the greatest cities in the world to visit even when Im working, doing an interview, or a meeting, or a TV show, or this radio show, or the studio, theres always something to do, especially in the summertime. I love New York in the summer. Miami is beautiful the weather, the women, the beach its carefree out there. Its like a TV show or something.
What's the difference between the chick you make your girl, and someone who's just a jump?
My girl gets love. A jump gets sex.
But how do you decide if you're going to make her your main girl or not?
Character traits. Once you kick it with a person long enough you start see what they are around for.
And what are your favorite things to use in the bedroom?
My tongue and my penis (laughs).
Allllright. You dont use toys?
No, I have before, but I ain't really into it.
No food or nothing?
I mean I ain't really into all that either. I can get into that, but it ain't nothing Im really into. I save those things for somebody special.
You said that you are not into fetishes, but do you role play?
I will and I have with my girlfriend. I think it has to be [with your girlfriend]. You shouldnt just do that with anybody.
You kiss girls that are not your girlfriend?
It depends.
Is there anything you leave for just your girl? Or that you would if you had one?
Well if I had a girl she would be the only one getting everything.
Have you cheated before?
Would you cheat again?
Well if I get into a relationship I know the consequences and I know what a relationship calls for. I dont think I would get into one unless I was ready.
Can you tell when a girl is faking?
Are girls really that good at faking?
I feel like Im really great at sex.
So girls dont fake with you.
No Im saying I cant tell if they do.
With all this sex, you ever take a trip to the clinic?
You ever got anything before?
When I was like 16 or 17, this girl gave me crabs. It was the most uncomfortable sh%t in the world. I was confused because ain't nobody know I was having sex. So I was like damn what the f**k is going on? I even had to cut all my hair off and I had to eventually tell somebody. And had to go to the doctor.
How long did you have them for then?
Just a couple days.
Did you know the girl that gave it to you?
Yea I did.
And you told her?
Yea I told her. It was wild experience. We were young. And that was kind of crazy and it was the worst so when I told her she tried to deny it. And I just basically stopped talking to her.
That's the only thing you've ever gotten?
It taught you to practice safe sex.
Yea I keep condoms everywhere I go.
You were telling me that your mother gives you condoms.
Yea that was back when I first started hitting the road she would pack my bag and she would pack these 12-packs Magnums. And she always tells me to be safe.
And when you run out?
I have before but my dudes always keep condoms, too.
You once said that you cant make love to everybody. That there are all these girls that think because youre an R&B singer that you can make love to them.
Its just not gonna happen.
Has a girl ever got mad or says shes disappointed?
Sometimes it happens. But you cant be looking everybody in they eye and slow grinding with candles on in every situation. Thats why I make it clear on certain songs that thats not gonna always happen, like you hear on some of my mixtapes. It ain't gonna be love making in every scenario. Im willing to compromise to give a woman her fantasy. But [has a girl ever gotten mad] because I won't make love to her? Nah.
Craziest thing someone has done after having sex with you.
Probably cry. Women are weird (laughs).
Thanks. What did you do?
I was confused like why are you crying? She had something going on in her life you know. She was like I can't believe Im doing this. I comforted her though. I think the thing thats important between men in entertainment that do have sex with women that they dont really know is that they do treat them with respect. I believe in a lot of scenarios not to speculate and I know what happened like with the Tupac and Mike Tyson case when you get a woman in a room and you treat her like a piece of trash all she got to do is say you raped her and she can very easily bring you back to earth. So I treat everyone with respect.
Is there ever a girl you've wanted that you couldn't have?
Yea that happens every once in awhile. Usually when I cant have what I want, I dont take that.
You don't fight for her?
You know the rumor that if a girl drinks pineapple juice her sh%t tastes sweeter?
Yeah I heard about that. Well you know the rumor that if a dude drinks pineapple juice (laughs)... I'm gonna tell you a funny story. I was eating skittles. One night, we went to the movies, me and my home girl, and I was eating skittles and she (gave me head) that night, so two days later she was talking to her home girl and she was reading that if her man eats skittles his cum tastes better. And she was tripping because I had ate skittles and she was like it tastes different. And I was like thats some bullsh%t.
So its not true?
I dont know.
Did you ever find out about pineapple juice?
No I never found that out. But I dont really go too much for the juices. Im more of a clitoral guy. When I do it Im not really all the way down there, because most woman are aroused from the clitoris.
How much does your own sex life influence your music?
A lot.
Do you play your music while you get it in?
Nah, I have before, yeah.
Thats a little c**ky.
Is it? Think so? I mean so many other people are having sex to my music, why cant I? I play music. Not all the time. Like I dont have to have music to have sex. Because sometimes I like silence so I can hear her.
Whats your favorite song to have sex to? Or top five 5 sexiest songs?
Greatest Sex R. Kelly, f**k You Tonight Biggie. And a lot of these songs depend on who it is, like if Im making love to somebody and its somebody special, Ill play like some Prince Insatiable. And actually I had a playlist a sexual playlist. Where is it? I put it on my iPod.
Okay you look for that. In order of importance love, sex, money, or fame?
It would be love, money, fame, sex.
Morning sex or drunken sex?
I say drunken sex. 'Cause with morning sex, the morning may not be right. Some girls arent made for mornings (laughs).
You wake up to a lot of ugly women?
No, I dont really have sex in the morning unless its really somebody special.
They dont sleep over.
You consider yourself an underdog, but BallerStatus just named you the hottest R&B singer in the game.
I know its your intention to get people excited about the album. Are you looking to make more mixtapes?
Ive been making mixtapes since 2004. I will never stop.
So what motivates you to go harder? Where does the hunger come from?
Im a grinder. I'm a beast. I need to eat. Im forever hungry. I dont see how people get content.
How does your family fit into all of this?
My family knows Im out here working so they can eat. I got to send my little brother to college. I retired my mother from work early. My grandmothers getting older. I do this so I can be the breadwinner so I can hold it down if need be. Whenever someone in my family needs something or if a situation in my family goes off course, I can be there for them. So nobody complains about me not being there at home. And I work even when Im not supposed to be working.
What advice do you give to your brothers about girls?
Well my brothers are just starting to get into that age where they getting into that, and they gaining their own identity.
How old are they?
One is 14. The other one is 16. And I think they're just getting to the point where they're comfortable talking to me. And its kind of cool. I just keep it a hundred with them depending on what theyre coming to me with. I tell my younger brother if hes going to have sex, hes got to wear a condom. I tell him how to put it on. I tell him what to watch for. I cant give it all to him, because he got to learn on his own, and I cant be tough on him. If you come at them too hard, they're not going to want to tell you nothing.
Any thoughts on the child support settlement with Nas and Kelis?
Thats a lot of money. Thats a lot of money for child support. Thats clearly not the money she would need to take care of that child.
But wouldn't Nas be spending about that much if they were still together?
But that would be on them and the family. Theyre not a family. I think she got him. It was cheaper to keep her.
Does that make you worried to get married and divorce and all that?
No, I feel like when I find that person, Ill know. Im not in a rush to get married anyway. And I think a lot about that. I want family, I want children but thats why I dont have kids now. I want to make sure I dont get put in a situation like that. I saw that happen all too many times.
How many kids do you want to have?
I want to have a lot of kids. I love kids.
Whats a lot though? 10?
Not no 10 (laughs), probably 4, 5, or 6.
Boys or girls?
Just kids. Its a blessing to myself and the woman I love.
Are you surprised you dont have any kids?
I take a very precaution. Im very safe.
So no girls are poking holes in your condoms?
No girl touches my condoms. My condoms are mine.
You're being called the king of remixes.
What beats are you trying to get on?
Well Im about to get this setup, this Pro-Tools setup so I can record in my room while Im on promo. I want that We Run This Town. I just got on that Obsessed last week. I ain't got it mixed yet. A couple more that I heard thats crazy.
And are you going to put out the remix with Teyana Taylor to I Need a Girl?
Yes I am. Thats why I got to get this setup as well because I want to make sure I bring something extra to the record as well. I dont want it to be just a verse with her. I want to do a little something new. But if it takes me too long, Ill just put it out there.
Now with Ready, you have these pre-order packages.
Why did you guys decide to do that?
Pre-order packages are for my real fans to see whose going to go get it. Its a lot to offer there. I think with the pre-order packages you see how hard I go for my fans. It was my product managers ideas to put some pictures together and put out something genuine my fans can hold on to. I came with the idea of the Yuuup t-shirt and the media department came with the idea of the live video chat.
Your fans go hard.
Yea so I want to make sure I go hard for them so they have a piece of something special, not what everybody else gets. I know that theyll appreciate that.
Sales are looking good so far?
Theyre doing well. Were basically a month a way from the album. At the pace that theyre going now, we should be at a good position.
That's dope. So whens your sex tape coming out?
Well, I gotta finish editing it (laughs). Nah, Im not really into all of that.
Have you ever taped yourself?
No, but if I did and it came out, it wouldnt be leaked. I would put that sh%t out myself.
IF youre perceptive, youll be able to pick up when your man is being a barefaced fibber. Its the way he shifts his eyes, the way his story changes, and the way he tries hard to convince you, even when you tell him that his story has more holes than Swiss cheese. Worse, is the man who tries to impress you by insisting that certain things are firsts for him; its his first time watching a porno even though he has a stash at his house; youre the first one hes had unprotected sex with, even though he has five kids and the list goes on.
Look out for these lies and arm yourself with a lie repellent strategy, ladies:
That anaconda story? Totally false!
It is the first time Ive had any problem keeping an erection. Men have a tendency to boast of their stamina and skills as it relates to sex. However, when he fails to get an erection, hell appear shocked and will be quick to point out that it has never, ever happened before. In reality, ladies, his engine has probably failed to start countless times before. The sign to look out for: His wide and varied knowledge of the intricacies of erectile dysfunction that would rival any MDs.
You are the only person I had ever had sexual intercourse with without using a condom. This is one of the oldest and lamest lies in the book and there are men who will swear on the Bible for this one, yet they are the fathers of several children (immaculate conception maybe)!
This is the first time I have performed oral sex on anyone. You can tell if its a lie judging from his oral skills and expertise. Some men will shy away from admitting that they engage in oral activities out of fear of being stigmatised. When the need does arise for this forbidden activity, he will swear that its his first experience.
Im blessed. Even the guy who needs a magnifying glass to view his member will boast about having an anaconda. In a mans mind the length of his tool is very, very important as his sexual identity is based on it.
I am not married. Even when signs of marriage are obvious, a man will deny being married. He will still deny being married although there is a visible imprint of his wedding band on his finger and he will find excuses for why you are never invited to spend a week or even a day at his dwelling. Also as soon as he gets home his phone battery suddenly dies thus making him unavailable. This lie is usually short lived though, as who can hide a marriage and kids for long?
A Hackensack University study into female sexual dysfunction, published in the British Journal of Urology International, identified problems achieving orgasm and lack of desire as the most common sexual dysfunctions. The survey involved nearly 600 women aged between 18 and 95 and asked about: lack of desire, arousal issues, lack of lubrication, problems achieving orgasm, lack of satisfaction and intercourse pain.
Alarmingly, almost two-thirds of the women surveyed reported at least one problem area. "We found that 63 percent of the women suffered from FSD and that there were significant links between FSD and age, menopausal status and use of selective antidepressants," said study co-author Debra Fromer.
Key findings included:
* The top overall problem was lack of desire (47%), followed by orgasm problems (45%), arousal issues (40%), lack of satisfaction (39%), lack of lubrication (37%) and pain (36%).
* The most sexually active age groups were 31-45 year-olds (87%), 18-30 year-olds (85%) and 46-54 year-olds (74%). It then fell sharply in 55-70 year-olds (45%) and in women who were over 70 (15%).
* Five of the six problem areas increased as the women got older: desire from 36 to 96%, arousal from 27 to 54%, lubrication from 26 to 45%, satisfaction from 28 to 88% and pain from 10 to 56%.
* The only problem that improved with age was orgasm, with problems higher in the 18-30 age group (54%) than in the 31-45 (43%) and 46-54 (48%) age groups.
"Researchers have found significant associations between major categories of sexual dysfunction, reduced physical and emotional satisfaction and general well-being. That is why it is so important to ensure that problems are identified and tackled wherever possible," concluded From
Exciting sex life is an understatement. Any sexologist will tell you that sharing your deepest, most private fantasies with your partner is a strong sign there is trust and safety in the relationship. Her erotic desires are healthy, empowered and similar fantasies lurk inside the minds of a lot of people. What I read is voyeuristic (watching) and exhibitionist (being watched) fantasies slowly trickling out. Sometimes we test our partners with smaller, less threatening fantasies to gauge their reaction
. If they react in a supportive way, the ante goes up with more intense or powerful fantasies.
Threesome rules to follow
It seems like the masturbation and threesome theme is loud and clear. I havent heard evidence that she wants you to be with another man, but for some hetero women that can be a power and control turn on. Are you comfortable with these fantasies becoming a reality? You have to talk with her and find out if she wants to live out these fantasies or keep them for herself. Also, you need to explore what youre comfortable with and define the limits that you can both enjoy, or at least respect the different desires. Lots of guys would be OK with having sex with another woman, but freak out at the idea of their girlfriend having sex with another man. Explore what your levels of comfort are and talk things out. Being open, honest and supportive will hopefully help you challenge any fears of sharing and guide you to new levels of sexual openness and bliss. Sounds like an open-minded keeper to me -- try to manage the judgments and insecurities.
There's a whole lot of information on how to arrange a threesome, but there's very little about what you should do once you're in one.
Threesomes are not like regular sex -- they require both imagination and sensitivity. If you plan on having a threesome, you need to go into the situation with some idea of what you're going to be doing, you need some threesome rules.
Understanding these basic threesome rules will help you avoid some common mistakes that typically prevent you from getting the most out of your ménage ŕ trois. There are various types of threesomes that you can enjoy, but we're betting that you're hoping for the type with two women, one of whom is likely your bisexual or bi-curious girlfriend or wife. What follows are the basic threesome rules on how to handle such a delectable, and potentially sticky, sexual situation.
You're going to have sex with two women and all three of you have your own rules and limits, so understanding and respecting one another's comfort levels should be a top priority when you're establishing your threesome rules.
Because your relationship with your woman will likely be affected by this new experience, you need to be absolutely clear on which acts she's comfortable with -- and what to avoid doing -- in advance. She may tell you that she's uncomfortable with the idea of you penetrating another woman or even pleasing another woman orally.
You must respect her limits. Remember that each woman may suddenly feel jealous, so try your best not to shut either woman out and always give more attention to the woman with whom you have a relationship -- this is an extremely important threesome rule.
As well, you may end up feeling jealous if you're not the center of attention. Just keep in mind that the object of the game is to share sex between three people.
Also, remember that although some people try to drink their way to bravery for a threesome, drunken sex usually ends up being bad sex. If you want to have a ****tail or two to loosen up, that's fine, but no more. You want to be at peak performance.
Be as giving as you can
Although you may be hoping that the two women will give you 100% of their attention, the truth is that they're there to please each other just as much as they're there to please you. You may end up feeling ignored and should do your best to get over it.
The best way to approach this situation, and an important threesome rule to follow, is to forget your feelings for a moment and try to be as generous with your hands and mouth as you can.
Pleasure in one-on-one sex goes back and forth, but in a threesome it's more of a cycle that moves from person to person. So be patient; focus on turning both women on and the attention will come back to you.
Whatever pleasure you get in a threesome is a treat, so instead of expecting anything in particular (like getting oral sex from both women at once), enjoy everything that comes your way.
Keeping your hands moving and knowing when to penetrate are important threesome rules
Keep yourself busy
When you find that both women are busy pleasuring each other and you have nothing to do, keep yourself busy. Take matters into your own hands and find something to do.
Caress the breasts, thighs or vagina(s) of one or both women, kiss their backs or necks, or give oral sex to one if she's in a position that allows you to (believe us, this will redirect attention toward you in a hurry).
If you decide instead just to pleasure yourself for a little while, don't feel bad; the action will come back to you soon enough.
Be careful with penetration
Penetration is what novelist Tom Robbins calls "that old show-stopper." It automatically forms a serious bond between you and one woman, leaving the other out. For this reason, penetrate only when you're sure both women are comfortable with it.
Your natural inclination will be to pay close attention to the woman you're having sex with, but you mustn't focus on her entirely. This is about the three of you, so keep that ideal close at hand. Kiss and touch the other woman, look her in the eye, and talk to her if the mood is appropriate.
Be aware that you may feel overwhelmed with pleasure if you're thrusting into one woman and kissing and caressing another, meaning that you might climax more quickly than expected. Take it slowly and pace yourself.
And don't get so excited that you lose track of the women: All three of you should be sexually satisfied and, even if you achieve climax first, you must do everything you can to bring your two partners to orgasm.
Be safe
Condoms are a necessity, obviously. Semen, vaginal fluid and menstrual *la*hd transmit STDs, so use one specific hand to pleasure one specific woman and use the other hand on the other woman -- and keep it that way. You must never alternate.
Likewise, if you're having intercourse with both women, you must also use a separate condom with each partner. As well, dental dams are a good precaution for oral sex. Lubricate the side that you place against a woman's skin for better sensation.
Afterward, lie around with both women in post-coital bliss. However, remember it's not a relationship. This means that the third person likely shouldn't sleep over. It may seem like a great idea in the moment, but prolonging a threesome is a recipe for total disaster.
Be reassuring to your girlfriend or wife. You've had fun, but it's only pleasure and experimentation. Tell her that she turns you on, that seeing her being pleasured by another woman aroused you, and that while you enjoyed yourself, there's no one for you but her. She's your primary concern, so if you let her know it, you may well have more threesome adventures in the future.
Some people like to give and some like to receive, but with the 69 position you can have the best of both worlds. This position is designed for mutual, simultaneous oral sex. It may be a little more difficult to concentrate on what youre doing with your tongue when shes busy at work between your legs, but the novelty of being pleasured while pleasuring her is one that is worth the effort.
When it comes to 69ing, there are some dos and donts. In order to make it a pleasurable experience for both of you, check out AMs 69 etiquette. For the purposes of this advice, were referring to 69ing as foreplay, so we wont cover ejaculation etiquette, which could probably inspire an entire article of its own.
As with all sexual acts, especially those involving oral stimulation, its imperative to be clean and well groomed down below. Nobody wants to be greeted by unpleasant odors or a jungle of hair; this is bad 69 etiquette. So if youre going to try out the 69 position, clean up and keep it trimmed. Better yet, jump in the shower together so you can ensure both of you smell and taste fresh and clean.
You should make a point of easing her into it, especially if its the first time youve 69ed with her. Dont just throw her on top. Make the transition part of your foreplay and gradually get into position. She should take the hint from there.
If one of you has to be on top in the 69 position, it should always be the girl. Chances are, you are heavier than she is and allowing her to take the top position will prevent her from being crushed if the 69 session takes a while, or if you get too carried away. This also helps you to avoid accidentally kneeling on her hair. Another benefit of her being on top is that she can control the speed, depth and angle of penetration, so youre less likely to accidentally gag her. Letting her have control means better oral pleasure for you, so this is really a no-brainer in terms of 69 etiquette.
The 69 position can also be done with both of you laying on your sides, which may be a more comfortable option if you plan to keep it going for a longer period of time. This way, you can use each others inner thighs as pillows for your heads, making the arrangement very comfy for a more drawn out 69 session.
More advice on how to make your next 69 an A+ after the jump.
When youre trying out the 69 position, its important to not let the good feelings you are getting distract you from the ones youre supposed to be giving. This is a mutual oral sex arrangement so its not fair if one of you starts concentrating too hard on receiving and neglects to perform as well. If this is a problem for you and you find your mouth constantly becoming lazy while hers is busy, you might be better off performing oral sex on each other separately, so your partner can have your full and undivided attention. This is common sense 69 etiquette.
This position may give you easy access to all her private parts, but its part of 69 etiquette to make sure shes comfortable with it before you explore beyond her vagina. Some people find anal stimulation very pleasurable, but others find it horribly disgusting, so getting an idea of where she stands on the issue before you go anywhere near her bum is a good approach. If she invites you to go there and youre all for it, then you can let your tongue wander wherever it wants. If you dont establish this beforehand, you may experience a very abrupt ending to your 69 session.
By following AMs 69 etiquette, you can have a mutually satisfying oral sex experience and be a considerate gentleman at the same time, which greatly increases your chances of 69ing a second time. It is a truly unique sensation to be giving and receiving oral pleasure at the same time, and one that no one should miss out on.
"Self Worth"
In a brief conversation, a man asked a woman he was pursuing the question:
'What kind of man are you looking for?'
She sat quietly for a mom ent before looking him in the eye & asking, 'Do you really want to know?'
Reluctantly, he said, 'Yes.
She began to expound, 'As a woman in this day & age, I am in a position to
ask a man what can you do for me that I can't do for myself?
I pay my own bills. I take care of my household without the help of any man... or woman for that matter.
I am in the position to ask, 'What can you bring to the table?'
The man looked at her. Clearly he thought that she was referring to money.
She quickly corrected his thought & stated, 'I am not referring to money.I need something more.
I need a man who is striving for excellence in every aspect of life.
He sat back in his chair, folded his arms, & asked her to explain.
She said, 'I need someone who is striving for excellence mentally because I need conversation & mental stimulation. I don't need a simple-minded man.
I need someone who is striving for excellence spiritually because I don't
need to be unequally yoked...believers mixed with unbelievers is a recipe for disaster.
I need a man who is striving for excellence financially because I don't need a financial burden.
I need someone who is sensitive enough to understand what I go through as a woman, but strong enough to keep me grounded..
I need someone who has integrity in dealing with relationships. Lies and game-playing are not my idea of a strong man.
I need a man who is family-oriented. One who can be the leader, priest and provider to the lives entrusted to him by God.
I need someone whom I can respect... In order to be submissive, I must respect him.
I cannot be submissive to a man who isn't taking care of his business. I have no problem being submissive...he just has to be worthy.
And by the way, I am not looking for him...He will find me. He will recognize himself in me. Hey may not be able to explain the connection, but he will always be drawn to me. God made woman to be a help-mate for man. I can't help a man if he can't help himself.
When she finished her spill, she looked at him.
He sat there with a puzzled look on his face. He said, 'You are asking a lot.
She replied, "I'm worth a lot".
BECAUSE women obsess over small things, issues like concerns about body image will get in the way of enjoyment during sex, as they believe that the men are preoccupied with the little flaws as well. So a woman who is not satisfied with her body is often selfconscious during lovemaking, and added to that, shes also saddled with concerns about whether the man is enjoying himself; if he will call her the next morning; if he is silently laughing at her moves; if hes comparing her to other women, etcetera, etcetera.
But do men really care about the flab on your side, your stretch marks, your belly pudge or Caesarean scar during intercourse? Is he comparing you to his last girlfriend or wishing for the moment to be over?
All Woman polled a few men and we were surprised at the answers.
What he thinks about your flaws
Andrew B: I dont think about things like that at all!
Big Boy: Its all about the moment and that is irrelevant at that point. All that matters is that we both enjoy ourselves since we already choose to be in that position. I would only think about it if it turns out to be something really shocking like she only has one breast and I never knew before, or one false leg and she takes it off and kotch it one side. And that would only be if I really had no idea before.
Andre: Thats immature. When I finally get to sleep with a woman, flaws are the last thing on my mind. I also dont expect her to be perfect no one is.
Ian : Im thinking more about my flaws actually. Does she think my belly is too big, or my thing too small?
What he does when he wants to last longer
Wayne G: I just pull out and do other romantic things then settle and go back again.
Big Boy: I dont really think about anything. I want her to enjoy her moment and so I will just slow down and maybe change position or something like that.
Ian : I think about mundane things like my car needs a wash, or I need to get toothpaste at the supermarket.
Andre: I think about money. Thats an instant mood killer. I never have money, so once I start thinking about my sorrows, I have no desire to peak.
What he wants to hear from you, and what he doesnt
Gawayne R: Some women make sounds that turn you on, but sometimes some say some things that turn you off. If in the middle of making love she starts asking if its the same way you give it to Pam, that turns me off! What really turns me on is when a woman calls me by my nickname. My name is Gawayne but when she call me by my nickname Dick that turns me on!
Andrew B: I dont like the whole heap of noise but I like the moaning and groaning.
Wayne G: She can make any sound she wants as long as shes not calling anybody elses name! But I dont like when she says, cho, why you nuh hurry up and come?.
Big Boy: I love it, whichever sound it is. Sometimes I wonder if its really that pleasurable or she just trying to boost my ego, but then I wipe that thought from my head and say, my youth, of course you good!
Andre: I want to hear what she wants me to do to her. I dont want her to scream too much, as that will wake up the kids (laughs).
Ian: I want to hear her say my name.
Can he tell if you are faking or enjoying it?
Gawayne R : I cant tell but my body can. My body is very sensitive and reacts to certain things. If I am not getting an erection no matter what she does to me then I know she is faking it. If the sounds shes making are not right, my body just gets turned off. I cant explain it but that is how it goes.
Wayne G: When she says cho, why you cant hurry up and then starts moaning, you know shes faking it.
Andrew B: No. I cant tell when she is faking it. Big Boy: I can tell when shes enjoying it but I cant tell if she faking it.
Andre: Shes faking it when shes rolling her eyes. Look out for that!
I a n : Bwoy, I can never tell. I dont even care either, because if she wants to pretend to be enjoying herself, who am I to interfere?
What he wants you to do to him
Wayne G: Oral. Then kiss me up and down and put her tongue in my ears.
Big Boy: I just want her to be an extremely active participant. You must want it as much as I do.
Andre: Explore my body. And I mean explore it no hang-ups, no isms. Read a magazine before, watch a porno. I dont want her to be shy at all when it comes to finding my hot spots.
Ian : I want her to tie me up and spank me like a little rude child. My girlfriend did that once and it was the best sexual experience of my life.
NOT many men will admit it, but there are things their women do that drive them crazy too, much like the crazy you get when your man does things like leave toothpaste in the sink. They're not things he'll readily say to you, lest your feelings get hurt, but after much prodding, we got some men to admit to the annoyances below.
*Not wearing a bra when your breasts sag: It is almost inevitable that women's breasts will sag when they age or become mothers, but ladies, it is just not cool to be parading around with bra-less breasts that are almost touching your belly button. Unless you want to totally turn your man off, try scooping them up in a bra and see the transformation.
*Not wearing your size: Squeezing yourself into a size six when you are definitely a size 17 is trashy. It is even more distasteful when there is a gut hanging out. Ladies, if sexiness is your aim, you will fail miserably, because 'bang belly' and tight clothing do not go together. Instead, opt for clothes that blend perfectly with your skin and body type. You will see the difference.
*Backstabbing your best friends: He doesn't understand how your girlfriend can be our best friend, yet you have so many negative things to say about her. The talks of your best friend wanting your boyfriend; or not being as cute as you comes off as disingenuous to him. He'll wonder, instead of backstabbing your BFF, wouldn't it be easier to let her know the things she does to annoy you and try to make the necessary adjustments to have a better relationship?
*Whining and nagging: Absolutely no one likes a nag, so ladies, leave the nagging behind and find more effective ways to communicate in your relationship. Stop whining too! Not only does it get on your spouse's last nerve, but you also wear yourself out.
*Using sex as a weapon: Some women take great pleasure in doing this. If their demands or not met, or if their spouses upset them in anyway, there will be no bedroom fun or days or even weeks! Ladies, learn to have a little mercy on your other half and do not deny him his sexual privileges.
*Talking incessantly: A man can say what is required using few words, whereas a woman may divulge every tiny detail of her thoughts, often not only going all around the house to make her point, but frequently making detours to topics which bear no relation whatsoever to the conversation.
*Jealousy: There are those women who demand constant reassurance that they have their spouse's undivided attention and any minor attention bestowed upon another woman could possibly lead to the declaration of World War III. Men hate this kind of behaviour, as they argue that while their eyes may wander, it doesn't mean that they will too.
When I got home that night as my wife served dinner, I held her hand and said, I've got something to tell you. She sat down and ate quietly. Again I observed the hurt in her eyes.
Suddenly I didn't know how to open my mouth. But I had to let her know what I was thinking. I want a divorce. I raised the topic calmly.
She didn't seem to be annoyed by my words, instead she asked me softly, why?
I avoided her question. This made her angry. She threw away the chopsticks and shouted at me, you are not a man! That night, we didn't talk to each other. She was weeping. I knew she wanted to find out what had happened to our marriage. But I could hardly give her a satisfactory answer; she had lost my heart to Jane. I didn't love her anymore. I just pitied her!
With a deep sense of guilt, I drafted a divorce agreement which stated that she could own our house, our car, and 30% stake of my company.
She glanced at it and then tore it into pieces. The woman who had spent ten years of her life with me had become a stranger. I felt sorry for her wasted time, resources and energy but I could not take back what I had said for I loved Jane so dearly. Finally she cried loudly in front of me, which was what I had expected to see. To me her cry was actually a kind of release. The idea of divorce which had obsessed me for several weeks seemed to be firmer and clearer now.
The next day, I came back home very late and found her writing something at the table. I didn't have supper but went straight to sleep and fell asleep very fast because I was tired after an eventful day with Jane.
When I woke up, she was still there at the table writing. I just did not care so I turned over and was asleep again.
In the morning she presented her divorce conditions: she didn't want anything from me, but needed a month's notice before the divorce. She requested that in that one month we both struggle to live as normal a life as possible. Her reasons were simple: our son had his exams in a month's time and she didn't want to disrupt him with our broken marriage.
This was agreeable to me. But she had something more, she asked me to recall how I had carried her into out bridal room on our wedding day.
She requested that every day for the month's duration I carry her out of our bedroom to the front door ever morning. I thought she was going crazy. Just to make our last days together bearable I accepted her odd request.
I told Jane about my wife's divorce conditions. . She laughed loudly and thought it was absurd. No matter what tricks she applies, she has to face the divorce, she said scornfully.
My wife and I hadn't had any body contact since my divorce intention was explicitly expressed. So when I carried her out on the first day, we both appeared clumsy. Our son clapped behind us, daddy is holding mommy in his arms. His words brought me a sense of pain. From the bedroom to the sitting room, then to the door, I walked over ten meters with her in my arms. She closed her eyes and said softly; don't tell our son about the divorce. I nodded, feeling somewhat upset. I put her down outside
the door. She went to wait for the bus to work. I drove alone to the office.
On the second day, both of us acted much more easily. She leaned on my chest. I could smell the fragrance of her blouse. I realized that I hadn't looked at this woman carefully for a long time. I realized she was not young any more. There were fine wrinkles on her face, her hair was graying! Our marriage had taken its toll on her. For a minute I wondered what I had done to her.
On the fourth day, when I lifted her up, I felt a sense of intimacy returning. This was the woman who had given ten years of her life to me.
On the fifth and sixth day, I realized that our sense of intimacy was growing again. I didn't tell Jane about this. It became easier to carry her as the month slipped by. Perhaps the everyday workout made me stronger.
She was choosing what to wear one morning. She tried on quite a few dresses but could not find a suitable one. Then she sighed, all my dresses have grown bigger. I suddenly realized that she had grown so thin, that was the reason why I could carry her more easily.
Suddenly it hit me... she had buried so much pain and bitterness in her heart. Subconsciously I reached out and touched her head.
Our son came in at the moment and said, Dad, it's time to carry mom out. To him, seeing his father carrying his mother out had become an essential part of his life. My wife gestured to our son to come closer and hugged him tightly. I turned my face away because I was afraid I might change my mind at this last minute. I then held her in my arms, walking from the bedroom, through the sitting room, to the hallway. Her hand surrounded my neck softly and naturally. I held her body tightly; it was just like our wedding day.
But her much lighter weight made me sad. On the last day, when I held her in my arms I could hardly move a step. Our son had gone to school. I held her tightly and said, I hadn't noticed that our life lacked intimacy.
I drove to office.... jumped out of the car swiftly without locking the door. I was afraid any delay would make me change my mind...I walked upstairs. Jane opened the door and I said to her, Sorry, Jane, I do not want the divorce anymore.
She looked at me, astonished, and then touched my forehead. Do you have a fever? She said. I moved her hand off my head. Sorry, Jane, I said, I won't divorce. My marriage life was boring probably because she and I didn't value the details of our lives, not because we didn't love each other anymore. Now I realize that since I carried her into my home on our wedding day I am supposed to hold her until death do us apart.
Jane seemed to suddenly wake up. She gave me a loud slap and then slammed the door and burst into tears. I walked downstairs and drove away.
At the floral shop on the way, I ordered a bouquet of flowers for my wife. The salesgirl asked me what to write on the card. I smiled and wrote, I'll carry you out every morning until death do us apart.
That evening I arrived home, flowers in my hands, a smile on my face, I run up stairs, only to find my wife in the bed - dead.
My wife had been fighting CANCER for months and I was so busy with Jane to even notice. She knew that she would die soon and she wanted to save me from the whatever negative reaction from our son, in case we push thru with the divorce.-- At least, in the eyes of our son--- I'm a loving husband....
The small details of your lives are what really matter in a relationship. It is not the mansion, the car, property, the money in the bank. These create an environment conducive for happiness but cannot give happiness in themselves. So find time to be your spouse's friend and do those little things for each other that build intimacy. Do have a real happy marriage!
If you don't share this, nothing will happen to you.
If you do, you just might save a marriage.
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate. Matthew 19:6