REPORT: NEW YORK *lo**S AND CRIPS JOINED FORCES . . . TO ASSASSINATE POLICE OFFICERS!! (DO YOU BELIEVE IT . . . OR NOT) learned that NYC police have arrested 104 suspected gang members. Police claim that the young men, who were members of the *lo**s and Crips gangs, conspired in some elaborate plan to assasinate police officers.
It sounds REEEEEAAAAL far fetched if you ask us. But here is how the NY Daily News is reporting it:
A massive gang takedown in Queens uncovered a rare alliance between *lo**s and Crips and a ruthless plot to assassinate cops, authorities said Friday.
The revelations came as law enforcement unveiled the chilling results of long-running "Operation Under Siege" - 104 suspects, dozens of guns, two slayings and piles of drugs and cash.
The sprawling case was built on wiretaps - including recordings of gang associate Keith Livingston, who blabbed about plans to protect his drug turf by killing cops on patrol.
"He intended to position himself on rooftops and shoot police officers who were compromising his business in Far Rockaway and South Jamaica," Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said.
"Before his deadly plans could be carried out, detectives arrested him and seized a defaced 9-mm. Hi-Point rifle, among other weapons."
Sounds like that one dude needed to be off the streets . . . but we have to hear more facts before we throw the other 103 arrested under the bus . . .
Livingston's plot was only one facet of an investigation that began two years ago when police and prosecutors began looking into a drugs-and-guns network in Far Rockaway.
By Friday, they had arrested 104 people, closed two murder cases, and exposed ties between Far Rockaway Crips and the *lo**s in South Jamaica.