just received a SHOCKING report. Atlanta rapper J Futuristic appears to have once been charged with CHILD MOLESTATION!! According to Georgia police records, a man by the name of Eddie Jermaine Miller was charged in 1998 with CHILD MOLESTATION.
As the below records show, the man charged with the offense has the same name and same birthday as the Atlanta rapper. How do we know J Futuristic's gov't name and birthday, well You can see it on this promotional page (Note - his birth year on the PROMO page is stated as 1984, and not 1980 as was in the arrest sheet).
And there's more. Check out the side by side pics of accused child molester Eddie Jermaine Miller and J Futuristic, notice any similarities . . .
Oh, and in case youre wondering who dude is - hes the guy who made that song with Gucci Mane called Fist Name Last Name
Shout out to the readers over at, for helping us with the research!! Check out their blog here