While the police has put down its feet with the decision to ban all pre-and post-champs events, one promoter remains hopeful his party will not be affected.
Velocity, which is scheduled to be held at the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) auditorium today, from 3 to 10 p.m. is one such party, which might be affected by the police's recent decision. While remaining optimistic, the promoter Marvin Lawrence, CEO of Lawless Events, said the social was packaged as a 'pre-champs' event to get patrons there.
However, "it's a fully charitable event. We went in and did a needs analysis and realised that they (at YMCA) are in dire need. We found out that they have to be fending for themselves 'cause they don't have a month-to-month sponsor," he said, noting that the admission is a canned food or $200.
He also noted that the event is being staged by Lawless KiiDs, which is the philantrophic arm of Lawless Events, comprising 14 teenagers. These children, Lawrence said, are doing "whatever they can to assist kids their age."
Acting Deputy Commissioner of Police in charge of the Operations Portfolio Glenmore Hinds during a meeting at the Police Officers' Club with principals and other representatives of various high schools in the Corporate Area and St Catherine, announced that the police will be denying permission for marches during the week of Boys and Girls' Athletics Championships.
In addition, the police will not be granting permission for the staging of any pre-or-post Champs fκtes or parties during the same period. This decision, Hinds said, is due to the increase in violence involving high school students as it draws closer to Champs.
Another event, Half-Way Tree Explosion was being advertised to be held at Skateland, Half-Way Tree, St Andrew on March 27, which is the final day of Champs.
However, there is still uncertainty surrounding traditional after-champs parties like Up To The Line and Finish Line.
Last May Finish Line was eventually held, after being cancelled in April and denied permits twice in 2008. However, Up To The Line was allowed in that same year.
Promoters of those events could not be reached for comments.