COUNT yourself lucky if you are one of those persons who have a really good girlfriend who you can be yourself with. We are not talking about a 'frenemy' who can't wait for an opportunity to knife you in the back, but the kind that is there for you when it matters most.
If you have such a friend then you had better try your best not to rock the friendship boat -- even when you find happily ever after with your beau. Here's why:
1. Girlfriends offer a good support system
Girlfriends are very supportive and won't hesitate to give you that shoulder to cry on if you need it. They are sensitive to your feelings and somehow know just what to do or say to make you feel better. Men are sometimes clueless when it comes to tapping into your deepest emotions.
2.Girlfriends are accessible
They are never more than a phone call away and no matter what, if you really need them, they will find the time to talk through the night with you. Men are not long talkers and will get impatient with your need to talk things through.
3. Good girlfriends are in it for the long haul
If you think about it, some of your girlfriends have outlasted even your marriage. Lovers come and go, but a good friend sticks around forever.
4.They love you for yourself
Your girlfriends know your deepest, darkest secrets and love you anyway. They don't judge, but are rather encouraging.
5. Challenges don't scare them
When the going gets tough girlfriends stick together, they find ways to weather out the storm. Men tend to run when things get sticky.
6. Only a girlfriend will do
When you want to cuss out and bad-mouth your spouse who is the cause of your distress, you can only unload on your girlfriend. After all, after the cussing-out session is through you can go back to your spouse fully vented!
Disclaimer: Views expressed are that of the author, and do not necessarily reflect my personal opinion
Disclaimer: Views expressed are that of the author, and do not necessarily reflect my personal opinion
-- Edited by jubalson on Thursday 24th of June 2010 08:52:10 AM