TEACHA APOLOGISES TO UTECH STUDENTS Kartel's publicity team released this statement as it relates to the Utech diss: If the Utech students are as intelligent as I know they are see, they will see that I was just poking fun at them because I was "over the other side" so to speak. Because if the "Chancellor"(me) had been at the Utech campus, the situation would have been reversed in their favour . I have a lot of respect and admiration for students and staff on both campuses. I only "styled" Utech jokingly because I know the two campuses have have been friendly rivals over the years and I meant no harm or disrespect or defamation of the great character of Utech and its students in any way shape or form. And in closing, I would like to ask the utech students when they are going to invite the "Chancellor"to do a lecture on "socio-economics".