Am 18 years old, i was born in kingston jamaica... but I now live in Toronto canada.
The for reason for me wanting to be a Mod, is that i want to help the zone be a better Social wesite, by having strick regulations on the chat box, where i spend most of my time I have seen some very hurtful messages being post by members to members... and with the frequent participation in the zone box i will always be there to enforce.. the rules the some of set.
My experience..... will i was a mod and jamworld876 blog... but i quite to start my own website with one of my friends...... were am currently a admin..... i alone have mange the forums.... and sending out emails to the members of the about updates and so on..... i also did all the html work.... made the banner.... and so forth... So i have the ability of running a site with little or no help at all.