Alleged lottery scammer, 28-year-old Lucien Vassel, who reportedly fleeced residents in the United States of more than J$4.5m (US$51,150) was granted bail in the Montego Bay Resident Magistrate's Court on Thursday after spending almost three months in custody.
When the matter was mentioned before Resident Magistrate Vivienne Harris, the court was told that a statement from potential victims of the scam and a report from the Financial Investigations Division (FID), which is analysing the documents recovered from the accused man's home in Bogue Village, St James, were still outstanding.
grievous bodily harm
Vassel was charged with breaches of the Proceeds of Crime Act after documents and computer-related items, bearing signs of the infamous lottery scam were found at his house. He was on previous occasions denied bail as he had failed to honour the conditions of bail in a matter of assault occasioning grievous bodily harm that was pending. A no order was, however, made in the case, on request of the complainant.
He was offered $750,000 bail and was told he was not to be seen or have access to any cell phones or computer-related gadgets, as strict conditions of bail. He was also ordered to report to the Freeport Police Station on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Allegations are that the police, acting on information, went to Vassel's home on March 13 and spent 20 minutes banging on the door before there was a response. A search revealed a folder, two thumbs drives, a note book and other loose paper containing more than 25,000 names, addresses and telephone numbers of US citizens.
The police also found five cellular phones, which had several US phone numbers dialled, seven SIM cards and Western Union receipts of monies collected, one of which was for more than J$240,000. The items were found in strategic points in the house including an air condition vent, his shoes, vases and under his mattress.
The investigating officer also revealed to the court that preliminary investigations show that between December 2007 and January 2008 Vassel collected US$8,500, and between March and July 2008 he collected US$42,650.