Guys I'm warning you! This aids epidemic is serious. I'm sorry that these pictures are so horrific, but you need to view the harsh reality of life when you take these things for granted.
These cases are growing rapidly everywhere around the world so please, if you hive sex, sex with caution. USE A CONDOM!!! You Don't want this happen to you right?
wtf bam***boclat nuh ....... neway i seen shit like dis wen i was goin to skul ..... some ppl came to lecture i've seen worse at leat dere aint nun showin wat dat shit duz to your dick
its f**ked up for real ppl .... condom always !!!!!!!
You shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house, And if You got a glass jaw you should watch your mouth ... Cuz I'll break your face!!!
I Don't Mean A Magazine when i say I Gave her Cat-a-log I Gave Her Cat a Dog .. Ruff RuFf Baby!!!!!!!!!