KANYE WEST CAUGHT LIP-Synching.. to autotunes song..lol
That day was last Saturday, when West performed on Saturday Night Live. Dude did not sound good. He was more American Idol *la*hper reel than Grammy-winning polished performer. So what was the problem? Well, it had something to do with the Auto-Tune feature--you know the part of "Love Lockdown" where he sings about a system overload and losing control? Well, he was living it! And it was also pretty clear that when he got to the high notes, he pulled away from the mic and let an offstage singer handle the tough stuff. The bottom line is that we saw behind the curtain of Kanye West's seemingly impenetrable awesomeness. So was it satisfying to witness the world's most egocentric rapper all exposed on national television? No, no it was not. People were outraged. How dare he...sound so bad!
The outrage was so intense that it morphed into a bizarre lip-synching accusation. Instead of blaming Kanye West for putting on a sub-par performance, people attacked him for revealing that all those robotic tweaks in his songs are not, you know, organically produced. (Um, guys, there's no Santa Claus, either).
What would happen if Jamicans were to boo those artiste that cannot sing their hits that were done with autotune?
Have you ever heard any artiste with autotune reproduce the same sound on stage?
-- Edited by Western Alliance at 01:49, 2008-12-23