Two German air force sergeants are facing court martial for a sausage recipe that called for pork, onions, bacon, spices breadcrumbs, and their comrades' *lo**.
The soldiers, stationed near Munich, had earlier used their own *lo** in sausage, according to Britain's Telegraph.
Only after the two began soliciting *lo** from others did their weird wienie roasting come to light.
I have been asked to give *lo** for sausage-making and I want to know if this is against regulations," one soldier asked superior officers, according to the paper.
Among the items allegedly seized from the two airmen: a hand-written family recipe. It had a notation from grandma: "Make sure the *lo** is fresh.
I NEVER fail, i'm just SUCCESSFUL in finding out what doesn't work Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.