Fertility treatment has put 70 year old Raja Devi from India into the spotlight and world record book for the moment. Reports from the UK Telegram revealed that the oldest woman to conceive and give birth did so on November 28th after 50 years of marriage; surpassing the former record for the oldest new mom who was a 67 year-old Spanish woman who had twins in 2006.
Both mother and child are in good health.
Devi and her 72 year-old husband Bala Ram were childless before the birth of their daughter that was facilitated by Doctor Anurag Bishnoi, of the Hisar fertility centre in Haryana state, who said the treatment and embryo transfer was done on April 19 this year.
Bala Ram is especially overjoyed as he was desperate to have a child; and after 10 years of marriage to Devi, who could not conceive, he went ahead and married her sister in the hopes of getting her pregnant. However, his second wife had the same issue of infertility and so the couple turned to modern science for help.
No longer seen as a taboo or divine curse, infertility is treatable, said Dr. Bishnoi, who praised scientific breakthroughs. Rajo Devi is the first woman in her seventies to give birth, who had never conceived before, he said.
Devi told reporters, We longed for a child all these years and now we are very happy to have one in the twilight years of our life.
Her husband Ram is not concerned about who would take care of the child if they passed on. He said, "The upbringing of the child is not a problem. We have a joint family as is common in rural Haryana."
Feeling completely relieved now, the couple say they will no longer have to face social stigma for not having brought children into the world.
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so d wife couldnt conceive so him marry her sista wat d ra** an den d sista still cudnt conceive either dis a real soap opera my gosh so wait deh dem neva kno bout d transfer till now kmt so dem jus a f*k so fi nutn lol