The 'Gully Creepa' Ice and Busy Signal at 'Loaded', held on Friday at the Amazon nightclub, Santa Cruz in St Elizabeth. - Natheniel Stewart Photos It was a 'Loaded' affair inside the Amazon nightclub in Santa Cruz, St Elizabeth on Friday night when THE STAR along with Busy Signal and other guest entertainers made the journey from Kingston.
Sponsors that helped to make the event successful included, Magnum Tonic Wine, Zip 103 FM (the official radio sponsor for the Star of the Month features), Blueprint Promotions, VP Records, Stone Age Productions, Pam Miller Designs, McGowan's Security, Avah Taylor Designs, Cherry Tree Promotions and Good Company Promotions. Special thanks also to TVJ's 'Intense'.
Other special guests were, Biggy of Razz and Biggy, Chromatic, ZJ Capone, Ice, Kool Kid, Danca Bling, Magnum Girls, Bugle, Raine Seville and the Daseca Family, RDX and Skeptic-St Elizabeth's top dancer.