September 26, 2008. told you that there was a growing controversy surrounding Ciara and whether or not she wore clothes. Vibe's editor Danyeal Smith came out and flat out DENIED Photoshopping out Ciara's clothing. And now Ciara is calling her a liar.
Here's a quote from Ciara's Myspace page:
Vibe Article: I know that there has been a lot of talk about the vibe magazine and this will be my last time talking about it.
When vibe presented the idea to me, I was excited about trying something different and doing something Artistic. The body is beautiful, and I wanted to celebrate it. Im at a point to whereas Im shedding old layers of my life and the new layers are surfacing. So much has changed for me especially as a young woman and I wanted to express that. There was talk about me being upset about the shoot. When I look at the photos, I do think they are beautiful photos and I am proud of my body, I was bothered because I did indeed have on items that were removed.
I know that it was vibes mission to do something beautiful and to present me in a nice light I just think it would have been appropriate for them to get my approval to do such a thing before doing it.. I dont want this to keep going; I just wanted to talk to u guys before I went totally silent on this topic.
That's a pretty serious charge to basicly come out and call the editor of a magazine a liar. We think Vibe should release the photos and let us all be the judge ....