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Topic: Romain Virgo For Pepsi Promotion

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Romain Virgo For Pepsi Promotion

findImg.php?pic_size=200&table_name=news_img_tab&table_field=img_id&img_id=1745 Pepsi Cola Jamaica announces the introduction of a special edition label for Pepsi featuring 2007 Rising Stars winner Romain Virgo. When consumers purchase Pepsi with the new Romain Virgo label, they will have a chance to win great prizes in the beverage companys 2008 Rising Stars promotion. This is the first time that a Jamaican entertainer is featured on the label of Jamaicas most popular cola beverage.

Pepsi has been a sponsor of Rising Stars for 4 years and has always had a special promotion offer associated with the popular talent competition. However, this year consumers have the chance to win even more prizes. It is the Jamaican public that ultimately decides who becomes the Digicel Rising Star each year, so, in return, we are pleased to be able to give them a chance to be winners themselves, said Denise Dixon, Head of Marketing for Pepsi Cola Jamaica.

From now until the end of September, by sending a text with the code found under the cap of Pepsi, hundreds of Jamaicans can win instant prizes of free Pepsi with the purchase of a KFC Real Deal meal and weekly prizes of tickets to Digicel Rising Stars live shows, Sony Ericsson phones, free call credit, cases of Pepsi and KFC Famous Bowl C****os.

In addition, those persons who collect Pepsi labels and drop them in the box provided at each KFC Restaurant will have a chance to win the Grand Prize. The Be a Star Grand Prize includes a chance to share the stage with the Digicel Rising Stars finalists live on TV, a Sony Ericsson W850 mobile phone, backstage pass to the finals show and the Mas Camp After Party. The Grand Prize winner will also chill in a top-class hotel and roll in a hot ride to the Digicel Rising Stars 2008 finals.

Romain Virgo a son of Stepney District, St. Ann first shot to national prominence while at Aabuthnot Gallimore High School, where he led his choir in a popular local television programme. So committed to his craft he is currently pursuing a degree at the Edna Manley School of the Perfornming Arts. Romain describes his singing personality as an old soul, as he loves the timeless melodies and compositions that many have regarded as oldies. He acknowledges that its not so much how he sings but more what song he chooses to sing. It is finding the right song that fits not only my personality but also my voice. Though not a song, Pepsi and Romain have found the right fit.

Romain Virgos picture and complete details of the promotion offer can be found on the label of 20oz and 2 Litre bottles of Pepsi.

Romain Virgo Pepsi Promotion


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neva know him did still a sing



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