She's brainwashing Americans. How in the world did this woman become so powerful? I mean, I know she's doing some amazing things with the money she's earned, & trust me, I think that's great, but when did she get to the point where her word is God? I hear people saying, "well, Oprah was saying..." and I think, "huh, when did she become an expert on that?" Which leads up to...
She's NO expert! I know she's had lots of guests on her shows. I know she's enlisted the expert opinions of lots of individuals, but the fact is, she's the one running the show! She can bring any subject up, lead any discussion, and determine how its cut and edited for TV. She dismisses the comments of individuals who disagree with her perspective & she talks in circles around subjects she doesn't want the facts about. All this tells me is that her show is...
Fluff, not Stuff. Her show is for entertainment purposes only. It doesn't get to the meat or the reality of any of the subjects she purports to discuss on her show. Every time I've watched I've felt cheated out of my 30 minutes or my hour because the 'good stuff' is never dealt with.
Do we really need an, "I'm okay, you're okay" advocate? 'Cause that's all she seems to get to at the end of the show. Everything's okay, every belief is okay, every diet is okay, everyone's body and health and lifestyle and religion and...need I go on? is okay. We get it. The entire world is now as politically correct as its ever been. Everyone is great by Oprah...I'm glad to hear it.
Her book club. Now don't get me wrong, I love reading & I'm glad that reading is being promoted, but really, everytime Oprah chooses a book to read, no matter what it's about, it instantly becomes a best seller & you see book covers plastered with "Oprah's Book Club" on it. I am convinced she chooses books to brainwash America into thinking exactly as she thinks, which brings me to..