not funny....shudda get a bludclaw kick through the wall
I NEVER fail, i'm just SUCCESSFUL in finding out what doesn't work Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.
ra**ssss if dat was my son mi woulda slap him str8 back and den cut him a new ass from wen him did put him hand on mi .... @ "20 mins .... wow yuh p*u**yy"
if that was me i wuldhim n leave him in his room with nufin
Lady vane u suppose to be my baby madda and u just gonna put him in his room wid nuttin........ f**k dat...... beat him ..... people it is ok to beat ur kids just not in public... whoop they ass if they step outta line
ra**ssss if dat was my son mi woulda slap him str8 back and den cut him a new ass from wen him did put him hand on mi .... @ "20 mins .... wow yuh p*u**yy"