ASHLAND, Ky. -- A man who robbed a liquor store with his head wrapped in duct tape has been sentenced to 10 years in prison. Kasey G. Kazee, 25, pleaded guilty to second-degree robbery, reported WLKY-TV in Louisville. Kazee got his nickname of the "Duct Tape Bandit" after police said he tried to rob an Ashland liquor store with his entire head, except for openings at his eyes and mouth, wrapped in duct tape.
Police said he threatened to harm a clerk if she didn't give him money from the cash register. Before he could make his getaway, another store employee tackled him in the parking lot. Police said no weapon was found on Kazee when he was arrested.
I NEVER fail, i'm just SUCCESSFUL in finding out what doesn't work Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.