More and more electronic devices support MP3 playback capability, including traditional MP3 players, digital cameras, Palm PDA's, Pocket PC's, and even mobile phones. However, due to lack of memory, most of these devices can only store a very limited number of music files.
DietMP3 can compress the size of your MP3 files, allowing you to add more songs to your player without an expensive memory upgrade.
World is big, music is huge, but my player is small, my hard disk always out of space. DietMP3 is the only software dedicate to put more music in your potable MP3 player and help you to compress your MP3 files to save hard disk space. Get it and use it, you won't disappoint for it. Why not get it and enjoy it now?
Top 5 reasons to use it and have fun... 1.Music is always not enough, DietMP3 give you more. Have you ever felt bored by repeating the same songs again and again in a long trip just because your MP3 player can only hold 5 songs for its limited flash memory? If your answer is yep, YES, you should use DietMP3 because it can reduce the file-size of your digital music and hold more songs in the same potable MP3 players or MP3 CDs ----- 2. DietMP3 is developed by and for music fans. "I know how you love the song because I mad for it too." Get the sense? Our developers are music fans too, so they know what they need and, the most important part, they know how to turn their ideas to perfect software. So that's it - DietMP3 ----- 3. Save money, save time. Needn't to buy another memory card, money saved, one CDR can hold more songs now, money saved. File size of digital music is reduced, less time needed to download them to potable player, valuable time saved. It's how the life can be better. ----- 4. All loaded and cool, your another SUV. All you want are included in DietMP3 now - MP3, Audio CD and more formats are supported, with excellent performance and cool appearance. So, start the engine, accelerating and speeding now. ----- 5. Simple and Stable as your Swiss watch.No fancy but nonsense functions, runs well with Windows NT/98/Me/2000/XP, the robust DietMP3 is your Music-Basic, so take it now.
****************Bavarian WiseWords***************** Lesson1 Put Jesus Christ first!!
Lesson2 Success comes not from just what you know but who you know.