A St Catherine man was hospitalised after a severe beating, when he was allegedly caught peeping on a woman while she was having a bath.
Reports are that the incident occurred about 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday in the 7 West community of Greater Portmore, St Catherine.
The Catherine South police said that they were alerted to the situation after the injured man was taken to them.
The woman, THE STAR learnt, was inside her bathroom when she heard a low moaning outside and saw a man staring through a window.
It is said that he had his pants down and was stroking his member vigorously. The woman is said to have sounded an alarm after making the discovery. An angry mob is said to have started to chase the man and the accused was eventually held, stabbed and beaten badly.
He was taken to the Spanish Town Hospital where he was admitted. Up to late yesterday evening the accused man was still there.
The police did not release his name but told THE STAR that further investigations were under way.Air France has clarified their position on overweight passengers, making it clear that larger passengers will be asked to buy a second ticket for 75% of the full price. If the plane is found to have spare seats anyway, the price of the second ticket will be refunded.
If they don't reserve a second seat they may not be allowed to board if there is not an unoccupied adjoining seat, AP notes. An Air France spokesman called the policy "a question of security."
Pregnant women with untreated gum disease may have more at stake than just their teeth. They may also be risking the lives of their babies, a new study shows.
Expectant mothers have long been warned that gum disease can cause a baby to be born prematurely or too small. But for the first time scientists have linked bacteria from a mothers gums to an infection in a baby that was full-term but stillborn, according to the study which was published Thursday in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Scientists from Case Western University made the discovery after a 35-year-old California woman contacted them to help investigate the death of her baby. Earlier studies by the same researchers showed that an oral bacteria called Fusobacterium nucleatum could spread from the *lo**stream to the placenta in mice. The woman wanted to know if it was possible in humans.
Have you ever wondered why Coke comes with a smile? Its because it gets you high. They took the cocaine out almost a hundred years ago. You know why? It was redundant.
This will all be followed by a caffeine crash in the next few hours. (As little as two if youre a smoker.) But, hey, have another Coke, itll make you feel better.
Michael Douglas is busy filming "Wall Street 2" and has given an interview to AARP magazine.
Douglas, 65, talked about his love of wife Catherine Zeta Jones and his second chance at being a dad.
He remembered how he was first smitten with Zeta Jones after seeing her in "The Mask Of Zorro":
And does his pulse still quicken the way it did in that darkened screening room watching Zorro? "Oh, yeah," he laughs. "At least in your head, your fire burns as brightly. Let's not kid ourselves. But God bless her that she likes older guys. And some wonderful enhancements have happened in the last few years--Viagra, Cialis--that can make us all feel younger."
They have two children, and Douglas also has a son Cameron, 31, currently in jail on drug charges.
The magnitude-6.1 temblor was the largest of more than 40 significant aftershocks that have followed the Jan. 12 quake. The extent of additional damage or injuries was not immediately clear.
Wails of terror rose from frightened survivors as the earth shuddered at 6:03 a.m. U.S. soldiers and tent city refugees alike raced for open ground, and clouds of dust rose in the capital.
The U.S. Geological Survey said Wednesday's quake was centered about 35 miles (60 kilometers) northwest of Port-au-Prince and 6.2 miles (9.9 kilometers) below the surface a little further from the capital than last week's epicenter was.
"It kind of felt like standing on a board on top of a ball," said U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Steven Payne. The 27-year-old from Jolo, West Virginia was preparing to hand out food to refugees in a tent camp of 25,000 quake victims when the aftershock hit.
Last week's magnitude-7 quake killed an estimated 200,000 people in Haiti, left 250,000 injured and made 1.5 million homeless, according to the European Union Commission.
.While the FBI claims to have used cutting edge technology to create the image, a Spanish politician has noticed that the poster is a modified version of his campaign photo he now finds his face in Americas most wanted list.
While on the surface its an amusing misstep by intelligence agencies, Gaspar Llamazares, the former leader of Spains United Left coalition, calls the move shameless. His safety is at risk, he told the BBC, and he no longer feels able to travel to America now his likeness is on a wanted poster: Bin Ladens safety is not threatened by this but mine certainly is, Llamazares said.
The FBI is quoted admitting to the error, saying that the artist found the photo on the web and didnt know it was of a Spanish politician:
When producing age-progressed photographs, forensic artists typically select features from a database of stock reference photographs to create the new imageit appears that in this instance the forensic artist was unable to find suitable features among the reference photographs and obtained those features, in part, from a photograph he found on the internet.
The forensic artist was not aware of the identity of the individual depicted in the photograph. The similarities between the photos were unintentional and inadvertent.
We dont think it matters that the man in question was a notable politician: using photos from an image search to create a most wanted poster is surely putting the subject at risk, is it not?
WASHINGTON The FBI violated the law in collecting thousands of U.S. telephone records during the Bush administration, The Washington Post reported Monday.
Citing internal memos and interviews, the Post said the FBI invoked nonexistent terrorism emergencies or persuaded phone companies to provide information as it illegally gathered more than 2,000 records between 2002 and 2006.
The bureau said in 2007 that it had improperly obtained some phone records, and the Justice Department inspector general is expected to release a report this month detailing the extent of the problem.
FBI general counsel Valerie Caproni told the Post that agents technically violated the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, which was enacted in 1986, by citing nonexistent emergencies to collect records. "We should have stopped those requests from being made that way," she said.
Documents obtained by the Post show that FBI managers as high as the assistant director level approved the emergency requests. Caproni said FBI Director Robert Mueller did not know about the requests until late 2006 or early 2007, after the inspector general's investigation had begun.
Caproni told the Post that the bureau will await the inspector general's report before deciding whether disciplinary action is warranted.
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Russian woman Svetlana Pankrtova stunned the world for her longest legs of any woman recognized by Guinness World Records. British woman Mandy Sellars now also attracted the similar international attention for her own (gigantic) legs, but apparently the latter is not as lucky as the former.
Mandy Sellars (pictured here), 33, from Lancashire of England, may be suffering from an extremely rare disease called Proteus syndrome [wikipedia] that left two of her legs weighing 92-98kg out of total body weight about 130kg. Whats the worse, the abnormal legs never stops growing, and one day, they may have to be amputated.
A Tough Job for the Shoemaker
Throughout her childhood, the growth of her legs continued to outpace the rest of her body until she could no longer move on her own. She walks now with the aid of crutches and drives a specially equipped automobile.
Near her home in northwestern England, Sellars goes to a private shoemaker. Her right foot is 16 inches [41 cm] long and 7 inches [18 cm] wide, and her legs are of differing lengths because the left foot a club foot, 11 inches [28 cm] long faces backward.
So the fittings are delicate. It takes weeks of trial and error to produce the final molds for a pair of boots, and they will cost around $4,000 money she has to raise because she is unemployed.
Because her condition remained such a mystery, she often seemed to be on the edge of disaster. In college, she was once suddenly paralyzed because of a *lo** clot that required 10 weeks of hospitalization. When a plastic surgeon tried liposuction to reduce the bulk inher legs, more tissue grew back than had been removed.
COACHELLA - Hank Piecura got to Lynx Gentlemen's Club early Saturday morning to find *lo** and broken glass. And he couldn't believe what security video showed.
"If I didn't see it myself on surveillance tape I wouldn't have believed it either," says Piecura.
A 150 pound goat smashed it's way into his business.
It gets on it's hind legs and rammed into the quarter inch think glass. It breaks through one door, then starts ramming another one, before trotting inside.
Why would a goat try to break into a strip club? The best the owner can figure, the goat saw it's reflection in the door and got aggressive.
The goat spent the next a half hour dazed, staring at itself in a mirror.
A man comes in and chases the goat further inside.
Piecura thinks the man heard the break-in from the gas station across the street.
An hour later, the same man returns and chases the goat away.
The animal didn't damage anything else inside the club.
Piecura followed the goat's trail of *lo** but it lead him nowhere.
"I drove all over the area. Everybody around here said they don't have goats so it had to come from either on the other side of the freeway or it came out of some trailer over at the truck stop," says the Piecura.
The attack caused about $2,000 in damage.
Piecura says the repair costs won't set him back too much.
He recently bought the club and hopes to have it opened by this weekend.
He'll keep the reflective doors covered was paper until he can get a security fence.
"Tell you the truth I didn't know there was goats either. So what's next? Bulls? I don't know," says Piecura.
Now that's a cover charge.
Young Buck says all he wants wants is to discuss his contract face-to-face with 50.
"Mr. Curtis can only hold me for so long. Eventually he's gotta come to some type of terms of negotiations. I haven't spoke to 50 in three years. I done did every thing you could do, called the nigga's phone to having lawyers reach out. I really just want to have a sit-down with this nigga, eye to eye. We can do it, personally or on ESPN, BET, MTV, wherever he wanna do this %&%*, I just really want to look at this %&%* in his eyes and see how this nigga really feels and how he's going about handling me because I'm a real nigga and this is something that 50 does though. Every one of them G-Unit niggas know how I get down. Period. Ain't no bull%&%*."
Buck goes on to speak on 40 Glocc and Spider Loc.
"He's got alot of niggas around him who do a lot of ass kissin', it's funny to me. I listen to the 40 Glocc nigga, and pay attention to him. This nigga don't know me. You come around, you a Mobb Deep nigga. He's a nigga that's been around Mobb Deep, at least when I was there. He was never looked upon as an artist signed to G-Unit, but niggas pop a lot of %&%*, tryin' to gain brownie points from 50, but 50 don't give a **** about no 40 Glocc, no Spider Loc. Spider Loc know this and regardless to whatever %&%* Spider Loc said about me, I still **** with him, because deep down inside he knows the truth."
Young Buck says Lloyd Banks wants to leave the Unit, but doesnt have the heart to stand up to 50 and Yayo's not going no-where, because that's all he's got and he has no other choice. Buck goes on to challege Yayo to a boxing match.
"Banks knows the truth, he dont want to be over there with the nigga, but his nuts ain't grew enough to stand up like a man and tell a nigga how you feel. Yayo, that's all he got. I understand why he washing 50 drawls, Jimmy Iovine told me out his mouth, that he'll never in his life put on another Yayo album, so with out cleaning 50 drawls he left out there in Queens trying to find a nigga to wash their drawls and niggas ain't ****ing with him, so he has no other choice but to be with 50. I challenge that nigga to whatever boxing match, when I see him, he gonna get it the worst. He's the one that been poppin' off at the mouth over the years. He always wanted the seperation and %&%*. When he came come he viewed it as Buck, Banks and 50 type thing rockin' out, instead of respecting the fact of us being a group, he viewed me as competition, but I'm on your side, so it's always one of them things like nigga you took my spot, but no my nigga I'm just doing me, but thats what he should have focused on and had hate from the beginning."
Buck finishes off the interview by warning the G-Unit camp.
" All of them nigga gonna be dealt with accordingly in a real way, at the right time."
It is not as if the earthquake in Haiti was a surprise to the world's seismologists.
They had known for decades about thefault line that caused it, and some geologists, including Eric Calais of Purdue University and Paul Mann of the University of Texas, had warned as recently as 2008 that when the fault gave way, the result could be a quake of up to 7.2 magnitude.
"Such studies should be considered high priority in Jamaica, Haiti and the Dominican Republic, given the seismic hazards posed by the fault," they wrote at the time.
The Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault, as it is known to geologists, appears as an almost straight cut in the earth in radar images from the space shuttle Endeavour, recorded 10 years ago on the STS-99 mission in February 2000.
See the arrows in the false-color image of Haiti above (NASA has a large version posted HERE).
You are looking eastward in this picture. The Plantain Garden fault shows as a straight, sharp cut in the mountains. Elevations in this computer-generated image are exaggerated by a factor of two.
The U.S. Geological Survey says the fault probably caused a major earthquake in Jamaica in 1907, and written descriptions suggest it caused powerful quakes in 1860, 1770, 1761, 1751, 1684, 1673, and 1618.
But in recent decades the two sides of the fault line had been locked in place as they ground against each other and stresses built up in the ground.
"This fault was locked in a way that it didn't produce a lot of small quakes," said Art Lerner-Lam of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University in Palisades, N.Y.
Without those small quakes as a reminder of the greater threat, people in the area put up cheap buildings, made from cinderblock and tin.
U.S. scientists say they understand: Haiti was so poor it could barely deal with day-to-day concerns, much less the long-term threat of an earthquake.
Seismologists emphasize that they are still very far from predicting earthquakes, since the ground beneath our feet is by nature chaotic. But last week's earthquake in Haiti had a reported magnitude of 7.0, so the warning by Mann, Calais and their colleagues of a 7.2 quake was not far off.
And despite a New York blizzard, the nuptials moved forward as planned.
"Thesnow only made it look more like a winter wonderland," Michael Russo, acelebrity event planner who designed a "fairytale forest" for theevent, told the mag. "Danielle looked like a princess. Kevin couldn'tstop smiling."
The bride reportedly wore a strapless Vera Wang gown, as Kevin's brothers -- Joe and Nick -- stood by him as his best men.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Jamaica shares the same fault line (a crack or break in the earth's surface) with Haiti, which suffered a devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake on January 11.
This was disclosed by the Head of the Earthquake Unit of the University of the West Indies (UWI), Dr Lyndon Brown.
"The fault that created the quake in Haiti runs right across the western end of the Dominican Republic, through Haiti, cuts across the Caribbean Sea into Jamaica and continues more or less into different fault lines across Jamaica: one continuous fault line runs across from Haiti to Jamaica," Dr. Brown stated.
He added that the activities in the region, following the Haiti earthquake, are not unusual, at this time.
"A number of aftershocks have taken place, and this is quite natural. The aftershocks will be more continuous after the large earthquake, but then this will die down and become less frequent," he said. Aftershocks, such as the magnitude 6.1 tremor that occurred in Haiti again yesterday, can be large but will become less frequent over time.
He said, however, that the other earthquakes that have taken place in Guatemala, Venezuela, and El Salvador are happening on the Pacific Plate fault line, which is not the same one on which Haiti and Jamaica is located.
"Right now we do not see the association between the events," he added.
He said that while studies are being done by an American researcher, to see the relationships between the fault lines, none has so far been established, and what is happening is that stresses are being naturally released along respective fault lines.
"Earthquakes are very, very, common. If you look at a map of Jamaica you will see that last year we had about eight felt events (earthquakes) and about 200 that were weak but could just be picked up as earthquakes," he said.
He stated that, on average, there have been about16 earthquakes on an annual basis that are greater that magnitude 7.0 , about 120 around magnitude 6.0 and an innumerable amount at magnitude 5.0 and below.
"What is happening in the region is very interesting. Earthquakes are natural events that happen when stresses that have built up along fault lines are released, creating elastic waves that generate convolutions on the face of the earth," Dr. Brown said.
He added that the destruction wrought by an earthquake is dependent on the location and strength of a building, as well as the strength of the earthquake.
Mo'Nique was dressed to the nines at Sunday night's Golden Globes, wearing a long golden gown with a wrapped bodice to pick up her award for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama. She also dared to go all-natural under the flowing fabric, showing off her hirsute gams on the red carpet.
In 2006 Mo'Nique talked about her body hair with The View's Barbara Walters and showed America "what a real leg looks like."
The Ballards Valley Primary School in St Elizabeth is being plagued by thieves who have reportedly struck the school nine times in less than a year.
On Monday, a number of parents staged a peaceful demonstration at the gates of the school, venting their anger at the actions of the individuals responsible.
The demonstration was sparked by the latest break-in at the school on Friday.
A corporal from the Black River Police Station confirmed that the incident brought to nine the number of times thieves have broken into the school in the last year.
According to police reports in Friday's incident, the school's two computers, a television set, a DVD player, a tool set, food and an undetermined sum of cash were stolen.
Personnel had reportedly turned up for work on Friday morning and discovered the break-in.
The school's principal could not be reached for comment, however, a source said personnel from the school will be meeting with police officers as they aim to hinder the actions of the thieves.
See photos and video below
A Pennsylvania father has been arrested for allegedly asking his teen daughter for sex over Facebook.
John Forehand, 39, (see picture below) referred to himself as "Bad Daddy" in the online correspondence with his 13 year-old daughter, in which he openly propositioned her and made explicit sexual suggestions, say investigators.
Lancaster Online reports that, according to the affidavit, Forehand told his daughter he had been having "inappropriate" dreams about her, and wrote to her, "I'll take very good care of my little girl."
Fox News reports:
According to the criminal complaint, Forehand proposed meeting the girl for sex and explained in graphic detail the sex acts, telling her "not many other fathers and daughters are this brave, so not many of them are so lucky to experience all these pleasures."
Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett said the girl told her mother about the inappropriate Facebook messages, and she then alerted the police.
The police captured Forehand by tricking him into coming to what he believed would be a meeting with his daughter.
Police are clamping down on the popular cash-for-gold trend which they believe has contributed to crime in the Corporate Area.
Superintendent Derrick Knight of the Half-Way-Tree Police Station said police have begun targeting men who have been trading people's gold belongings for money without a licence.
"We are clamping down on them because we are seeing where it has contributed to criminal activity," Knight said.
Just yesterday, Donovan Maye pleaded guilty to dealing in second-hand jewellery without a licence in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate's Court and was sentenced to 10 days in prison. He was also fined $200.
Resident Magistrate Judith Pusey was not pleased with this activity. She told the court it will soon lead to an increase in crime since men will start to steal gold jewellery in order to make money.
Knight, supporting RM Pusey, said this was a very serious issue.
The most recent case of cash-for-gold criminal activity occurred last Saturday when two 'traders' were held up and robbed. One was shot in his buttock during the robbery.
Police said the two men received a call that there was some unwanted gold for sale. On arrival at the location, they were robbed of their jewellery and money.
The police are also investigating whether the robbery of a jewellery store in Cross Roads, St Andrew, has any connection with the trade.
Knight said the trend is a serious issue and he and his team will go all out to reduce it.LONDON Here's a new warning from health experts: Sitting is deadly.
Scientists are increasingly warning that sitting for prolonged periods even if you also exercise regularly could be bad for your health. And it doesn't matter where the sitting takes place at the office, at school, in the car or before a computer or TV just the overall number of hours it occurs.
Research is preliminary, but several studies suggest people who spend most of their days sitting are more likely to be fat, have a heart attack or even die.
In an editorial published this week in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, Elin Ekblom-Bak of the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences suggested that authorities rethink how they define physical activity to highlight the dangers of sitting.
While health officials have issued guidelines recommending minimum amounts of physical activity, they haven't suggested people try to limit how much time they spend in a seated position.
"After four hours of sitting, the body starts to send harmful signals," Ekblom-Bak said. She explained that genes regulating the amount of glucose and fat in the body start to shut down.
Even for people who exercise, spending long stretches of time sitting at a desk is still harmful. Tim Armstrong, a physical activity expert at the World Health Organization, said people who exercise every day but still spend a lot of time sitting might get more benefit if that exercise were spread across the day, rather than in a single bout.